Chapter 52

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Jughead POV

I knocked on Ryden's door trying to get him to open the door.

"Ryden! Ryden come on open the door. Ryden your lungs are to weak to last without oxygen!"

"That's the........point." He shouted back

"Ryden open the door!" I shout jiggling the handle to try and open it but it was locked.

"Dad let me go. Just let me do this I can last 20 minutes without oxygen......this way I'm going to be saving you money don't.......have a funeral for me. Burn me put me in a shoe box and put me in the back of.......your closet." He says in between deep breaths

"No Ryden I'm not letting you die open the door."

But he didn't respond.

Ryden POV

I was laying on my bed wrapped up in my blankets just waiting to die. My dad was outside the door and he was shouting at me to open the door. Then he just stopped and I heard him run down the stairs and out the door. I closed my eyes and waited for it to be over. A few minutes later I heard my window slide up and open I opened my eyes and saw Amber with my oxygen backpack. She walked over to me and sat in my bed next to me and placed her hand on my cheek and caressed it.

"What you doing Ryden?"


"No your not."

"I only have to wait......a few more minutes." I said breathing heavily she picked up the oxygen mask and held it in my face I tried to push it away but I couldn't because I was to weak so I just had to sit there and let her hold the oxygen mask on my face why I breathed in. She put the elastic thing around my head so the oxygen mask stayed on on its own and she took her shoes off and got under the covers with me and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Why'd you come here?"

"Your dad came to my house and said you where trying to hurt yourself and he explained what was happening and I ran here with him."

"You didn't have to."

"Well I'm not going to let my boyfriend just die."

"You should I'm going to die anyway."

"Ryden don't say that your not going to die."

"Brake up with me." I said sleepily I closed my eyes and Amber reached up and caressed my cheek

"I think your sleeping Rye."

"No. I can't protect you anymore I'm to weak. I can't do anything I'm constantly cold so I can't keep you warm. I can't breath for shit so I'm a lot of work and I also look like shit. I have no hair Im scrawny I look like a skeleton. So please give up on my let me go and let you be free and brake up with me."

"Ryden I don't care about that stuff your still you. Your the same sarcastic, idiot that's comfortable to lay on." She said still caressing my cheek I open my eyes and look at her and smiled and she smiled back.

"So you don't want to break up with me?"

"No. I want to stay with you. I love you ok?"

"Ok. I love you too. Do you want to stay here for a while." I said moving my oxygen mask and kissing her softly and putting my oxygen mask back on me and closing my eyes. I pulled her close to my chest and fell asleep.

Jughead POV

About 20 minutes after Amber went threw Ryden's window to give him his oxygen she came down the stairs and into the living room where me and Betty where waiting.

"He's ok. I got him to put his oxygen mask back on and he's now asleep." She said

"Thank you Amber." I said

"Do you want to stay tonight? You don't have to."

"He please I'm just going to get a drink for me and one for Ryden when he wakes up." Amber said and she walked into the kitchen and a few minutes layer she walked out with two glasses of water and she walked back upstairs.

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