Chapter 30

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Ryden POV

I walked out of my room and into the bathroom and saw my dad leaning against the door with his back to me I look over my dads shoulder into the bathroom and see my mom stood there with a used condom on the end of a pen.

"Is this yours?" She asks looking at my dad

"No. We hardly use them and when we do they go in......" then he looks over his shoulder and sees me "never mind."

"Are you cheating on me then?" She said looking at my dad

"No I would never. That's 100% not mine why would I use one when I can feel all of you around my...." I cut him of before I could hear something that would want to make me rip off my own ears

"Oh my god please don't it's mine ok. Know will you please not say anything else about you two having sex it's gross and I don't want to hear it."

They both look at me confused. Then my mom then throws the pen and the condom in the bin then she washes her hands. Then my dad turns around and looks at me "So you and Amber...."


"Well at least your being safe." My mom said standing next to my dad and wrapping her arms around my dad.

"Did you make sure she was ok with it?"

"Oh my god dad! What kind of person do you think I am! Of course I made sure she was ok with us doing it and I kept asking and making sure she was ok and I told her we could stop when ever she wanted."

"Your a good kid Ryden but sex is a big step in a relationship and it's a big deal especially for a girl and it's there first time." My mom says

"I know. That's why I told her I loved her." I said quietly but just loud enough for them to hear "I was going to let them throw me in jail for the rest of my life just so if they some how found some evidence on something that I didn't do I wouldn't drag Amber down with me if I said I was with her and she got changed with obstruction of justice."

"I know you love her Ryden I can see it in the way you look at her." My mom said hugging my dads side as he hugged her back.

"I'm going to go now." I said turning around and walk back into my room and saw a text from Amber.

Am🧡: Hey. Wuu2? x

Rye🍕: Just has a awkward conversation with my parents. x

Am🧡: What was it about? x

Rye🍕: They kind of found something in the trash that may or may not have nearly broke them up so I had to come clean and tell them it was mine and my dad wasn't cheating on her. x

Am🧡: Oh god. I bet they hate me for defiling there precious little boy. x

Rye🍕: Don't worry they don't hate you. If anything they hate me at the moment. x

Am🧡: Why would they hate you? x

Rye🍕: I'll tell you tomorrow so Wuu2? x

We text each other for hours till Amber said she was tired and we said night and I went to bed.

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