Chapter 42

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Jughead POV

After the game was over I saw Ryden walk to the side and then he clenched his stomach I stood up and started to make my way down the bleachers to him when he collapsed I ran to him with Betty and the twins following me. When we got down to him there was already a crowd of people around him I pushed threw them and tried to wake Ryden up but he didn't.

"Betty call 911. Juliet go get some water and Blue her everyone out of here." I say and they all go off and do what I said I lifted up his shirt and saw his bruises covering his abdomen but it also looked all swollen. A few minutes later an ambulance crew came in and pushed me away from him I was panicking and so was Betty so I pulled her into a hug and tried to calm her down they put a oxygen mask on Ryden they cut his shirt of and checked his boast on a stretcher and pushed him into a ambulance Betty went with him why I followed in the car with the twins.

Betty POV

I was in the back of the ambulance holding Rydens hand he had woken up and was groaning and rolling around why the paramedic was trying to check his heart rate why he had a oxygen mask on him.

"Ryden you have to stay still ok." I said trying to calm him down and keep him still

"It hurts mom It hurts so much. Mom make it stop Mom please make it stop it hurts." He said standing to get upset and tears started to form in his eyes. I brushed his hair with my fingers and tried to soothe him why tears started to form in my eyes and run down my cheeks I tried to stay calm but it was hard hearing your son cry out in pain and there was nothing I could do to help him "I know Rye but just try stay still so they can help you ok?" He nodded and tried to stay still he was still for a few minutes "Mom I love you and if I don't make it promise me you'll let dad and the twins know I love them and tell Amber I love her." He said "Ryden your going to make it don't think like that." I said why tears rolled down my face "Please mom. Promise me." He said with tears running down his face "I promise Ryden but stay strong don't give up." I said then we pulled up into the hospital and I kept hold of Rydens hand the paramedics started saying words I didn't understand then they pushed his bed into a room and I started next to him holding his hand why the doctors started to talk to each other and checking Ryden out and attaching him to monitors and putting him on an IV.

Then suddenly he started to breath heavily and he started to move again and then his hart monitor started beeping and the line went flat. They got the defibrillators out and they pushed me out of the room and I could only see threw the window where the room was then Jughead walked in and wrapped her arms around me and I cried into his shoulder. The twins where upset and pancaking so Jughead pulled them both into the hug.

Ryden POV

All I remember was being pushed into a room with my mom holding my hand then the pain shot threw my body then everything went black and my moms hand was gone. Then I woke up in the same all white endless room I did when I met Jamie I stood up and looked around then I turned around and saw Jamie holding something wrapped in a blanket.

"Hey Rye. We really need to stop meeting like this. It's to early for you to be here ." He said smirking

"I know. What you got there?" I said pointing to the thing he had wrapped in a pink blanket and he smiled at me.

To be continued.....

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