Chapter 56

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Ryden POV

I started to cry and my mom and dad both hugged me. I sat there on the floor with my mom and dad hugging me as I cried into my dad's shoulder. Then Amber walked in holding a little rectangular box I pulled a way from them and wiped my eyes and looked up at her.

"It's ok Amber. You can just go you don't have to say it I understand."

"No. I don't want that." She walked over to me and sat down in front of me and handed me the small rectangular box and I looked down at it.

"What's this?" I said and I looked up at her

"It's a early Christmas present. I was going to give it to you on Christmas but I think now is as good a time as any." She said smiling softly at me I looked at my mom and dad and they just nodded and I looked back down at the box and lifted the top off and looked at what was in the box. A pregnancy test. I looked up at Amber who was smiling I looked back down and picked up the test and looked at it there was a little red + I smiled and put the test back in the box and looked up at Amber smiling.

"My body isn't failing me?" I said and I couldn't stop smiling

"Your body isn't failing you." She said smiling and I pulled her to me so she was straddling me and I pulled of my oxygen mask over my head and pulled her into a long passionate kiss when we pulled away I rested our foreheads together I was breathing heavily and Amber lifted up my oxygen mask of the floor and held it for me this seems to happen a lot. I laughed and Amber smiled

"I'm so happy."

"Me to Rye. Me to."

"We should go to bed." I said and I pulled away "ok." She said and we both stood up

"Congratulations Guys." My dad said

"Congrats you two."

We walked in to my room and I put a tshirt on and my oxygen mask and lay down on the bed and Amber lay next to me I lay climbed on top of Amber so I was lay in between her legs I lifted up her shirt so her stomach was exposed I placed both my hands on her stomach I lifted up my oxygen mask so it was off of my face and I kissed her stomach softly.

"Hey little bump. You doing good in there? I can't wait to see you and meet you. I love you ." I said kissing her belly again I climbed back up and lay next to Amber and she fixed my oxygen mask on my face.

"What is it kills me and I never get to meet him or her?" I say looking down and a tear slid down my cheek

"Ryden look at me.......look at me." She said and she placed a hand on my cheeks and brought my face up to look at her "This cancer will not kill you ok? We're going to get through this TOGETHER I'll go with you to every single chemo appointment with you. You can beat this Rye you WILL beat this you just have to try. Ok?"

"Ok." I said softly I pulled Amber to my chest and we fell asleep

Christmas morning

I woke up with Amber still laying in my arms I smiled and changed from my oxygen mask to my tube and sat up why Amber put her head on my lap why she was still asleep I twiddled with her hair until she woke up and she sat up next to me.


"Morning. Merry Christmas." I said giving her a soft kiss on the lips "Merry Christmas." She said smiling. We got up and went down stairs where Blue, Juliet, my mom and dad where a sat.

"Merry Christmas everyone." I said smiling they said Merry Christmas back and we went and opened presents my mom and dad bought Amber some because apparently Ambers mom kicked her out when she found out she was pregnant the other day and when she wasn't staying in a hotel she was here so my parents are letting her move in which I'm excited about it means I can be there for her if anything happens and I can keep her safe from her psycho dad.

I handed Amber a box that was pink and had a pink ribbon wrapped round it it was a small jewellery box she looked at the box then at me and I smiled at her she opened it up and took out what was inside or was a necklace with a small golden crown on it and it had some small diamonds in it.

I handed Amber a box that was pink and had a pink ribbon wrapped round it it was a small jewellery box she looked at the box then at me and I smiled at her she opened it up and took out what was inside or was a necklace with a small golden crown o...

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^^^^The necklace^^^^

She smiled at me and she turned around and I put it on for her. We ate breakfast and talked then before the rest of my family came round for Christmas dinner me and Amber went out.

As we walked threw the streets of New York Amber held my hand as the white snow fell around us it was amazing. We reached the tattoo place and I held the door open for Amber as we walked in.

"Ryden what are we doing here?" She said looking confused

"You always wanted a flower tattoo so I had Tom open up the place for a couple hours so he could give you the tattoo. Oh and by the way I designed it." I said smiling

"Thank you so much Ryden." She said hugging me and I gave her a peak on the lips before she sat down in the chair and Tom started to do the tattoo for her why I held her hand.

" She said hugging me and I gave her a peak on the lips before she sat down in the chair and Tom started to do the tattoo for her why I held her hand

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She had it put in the right forearm. When it was done I thanked Tom and gave him $40 for opening the place for a few hours on Christmas. But it was worth every penny because Amber was happy and that made me happy. We walked threw Central Park and watched the snow fall then we went him and eat Christmas dinner with my family.


That's it for this book.

On a completely unrelated note this is just a fun fact I went to the options and I need glasses coz I'm a blind fuck. So that should be fun. Anyway please check out my other books and thanks for reading this one. 🎉

- L

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