Chapter 17

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Ryden POV

I woke up again but this time it was by the sun shining threw the window. I look over and see Callum was gone I guess he got up. I get out of bed and throw on my shirt from yesterday along with my flannel from yesterday and put my beanie on and sliding my shoes on before going to get breakfast I walk into the dinning hall and got my breakfast I was kind of sleepy so I wasn't really looking around so I was just going to sit in my mown when I heard someone shout "Hey Ryden!" I look over and saw Amber waving me over I sme at her and walk over and sit next to her why Callum and Jeff sat across from us. Then Jeff says "Ryden you look half dead are you ok?"

"What? Ye. Just had a bad night I guess."

"Ye I heard you get up really early and leave where did you go?" Callum said

"I uh. I called my dad."

"I don't mean to sound rude or anything but...why your dad?" Jeff says

"Uuuhhh. I just had to talked to him about some stuff. Mainly something that happened that made me end up in here."

"You can fell me to mind my own business but....why are you in here?"

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to Ryden." Amber says looking at me and giving me a weak smile.

"No it's fine. I uuuhh. It's easier to show you." I say I unbuttoned the buttons on my flannel shirt sleeves and riled them up and placing my arms on the table revealing all the cuts that covered my forearms. Everyone looked at them shocked after about 30 seconds of everyone staring at my arms I rolled down my sleeves And buttoned them again and then said "my dad found me. Pulled me out the bath wrapped my arms up and drove me to the hospital with Alex and Toni. So enough about me. Why you guys in here?"

"I tried to OD on sleeping pills but my twin sister for me just before." Jeff says

"My dad wasn't the best and now I have PTSD from it." Callum says looking down at his food then looking at me and I just give him a reassuring smile as if to say I wasn't judging. Then Amber says "I kept hurting my self." There was a few minutes silence of no one k key g what to say so I say "let's lighten up the mood. If you could get any tattoo what would it be?" I say looking at everyone

"A dragon." Callum says

"A dragon? Really Callum? Out of everything." Amber says with a laugh " if it was me I would get a rose or just any kind of flower."

"If it was me I would get.....A big picture of Rydens dads face." Jeff says laughing making us all laugh

"Please don't." I say laughing

"What would you get Ryden?" Amber says

"Probably my little brothers name."

"Wait I know who that is it's....Blue right plays football? Has a twin sister?"

"Juliet. But no that's my little little brother. My little brother died before he was born his names was Jamie."

"I'm so sorry Ryden."

"No it's fine."

"I thought you would get a serpent tattoo? Or do you all ready have one?"

"No I don't have one. The serpent one I'm getting is like a sleeve almost it's a two headed snake that coils round my left arm from my shoulder to my wrist. It's the one my dad has."

We talk a little more just laughing and joking and we all get out the same day I'm only staying a week and everyone else has been here a little longer Callum was here first then Jeff then Amber was here a day before I was. After that my mom and Juliet came to visit.

We where sat in the TV room talking when Callum, Jeff and Amber walked in laughing and I waved them over and they walked over to where me my mom and Juliet where sat.

"Mom. These are my friends. Callum, Jeff and Amber. Guys this is my mom and my little sister Juliet."

They all say hi and go and watch TV I said I would meet them later I talk to my mom and Juliet till visiting hours are over and I take my duffle bag of cloths to my room and put them away and change really quick. There where some more Tshirts some jeans and a few more flannel shirts and some boxers and socks. After I changed I went to the dinning room and got my lunch and went and sat next to Amber with Jeff and Callum sat across from us. We talked and joked and me and Amber where slightly flirty like we usually are Jeff says "so Ryden. When's your sexy dad visiting?" I look up at the clock and see the time. "An hour or so and please stop calling my dad sexy it's weird." I say and we all laugh. We finished our food and went to the rec room to take part in the ping pongs games that where going on it was one of our activities we had to do we where playing doubles so I asked Amber to be my partner and she said YES! I'm not going to lie or try hide my feeling but I think I like her. She smart and funny and we share the same interests like music, movies, video games and we both love burgers which is a big plus. After the ping pong me and Amber where sat talking with Jeff and Callum we where arguing about what would win in a fight a a horse sized duck or a 50 duck sized horses and I see my dad walk in. I stand up and say "Jeff. Please don't flirt with my dad." Before walking over to my dad why the others stayed seated.

As I walked over to him I saw his face all cut and bruised I decided I would ask later.

"Hey dad." I say and he pulls me into a quick hug

"How you doing Ryden? After this morning and every thing?"

"Uh. I'm good I think it was just after that nightmare I spiralled a little." Then I see my friends get up and walk over to us when they reach us I say "oh uh Dad.These are my friends Amber, Jeff and Callum. Guys this is my dad."

They say hi and go and sit back down. I talked to my dad a bit about 3North and my friends then I asked "dad what happened to your face?"

"Oh. I got into a fight."

"What who with?"


"Wait did he come to the bar or something?"

"No. I payed him a visit."

"Dad! What would you do that when you know he has it out for you? When you know he wants you basically dead?!"

"Because he was the one who sent you the video."

"Dad I don't care about what he did! I care about the fact that you optionally went to someone who you knew wants you dead!"

"Ryden he basically mealy killed you!"

"Well do you think nearly getting yourself killed confronting him on it would have helped? Just one day why I'm in here getting a call or a visit of mom saying you where dead. You think that would help me get better?"

"Ryden I was just trying to get some answers."

"I don't need answers dad. I'm done with visit." I say standing up and walking away without saying another word. 3Norths way in is secure bu the way out all you need to do is press a button in the door I walk straight out and up some stairs straight to the roof. Once I was in the roof I sit there looking out over New York then I heard the door to the roof open......

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