Chapter 18

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Ryden POV

I was stood on the roof looking out at New York when the door to the roof opened. I looked back and saw Amber. She came and stood next to me and said "are you ok Ryden?"

"Ye. Just pissed at my dad." I say sitting down and then Amber sat next to me

"Why? What did he do?"

"He went to see my Uncle and got into a fight with him."

"Is that why your mad because he got into a fight?"

"No I'm mad he went to see him in the first place." She just looks at me confused so I take a deep breath and say "The day I tried to kill my self me and my dad where arguing and I got mad and kicked a chair and it hit my little sister and she hit her head and it knocked her out which only made my dad shout more even when I tried to say sorry. So I went to leave and my dad said 'You walk out that door Ryden dont think about coming back!' I left anyway and went to Central Park. I was sat on a bench just cooling down when I got sent a video. It was CCTV footage of when my mom told my dad she was pregnant with me. My mom and dad basically had a one night stand and I ended up being born. Anyway in the video my dad called my mom and meaningless one night stand and said he never wants to be a part of my life. Turns out my uncle sent me the video and he basically want my dad dead. He's his twin as well and did you see the fight I got in in school with that other kid Adam?"

"Ye in the cafeteria."

"We that's my cousin. I didn't know and I don't like him anyway. So I'm mad my dad he went to see Josh my uncle when he knows he wants him dead. Like him getting killed for answers I don't even need would help me get better. I don't need answers I know he was just trying to rip me and my dad apart. Well it worked because I tried to kill my self because I felt unloved. At the moment trying to kill my self has had 3 good things come out of it."

"What do you mean 'good things'? What are they?"

"Well for one I was dead and I got to meet Jamie. The brother I never knew about that was good. For two I met Callum and Jeff and" I say smiling shyly at her.

"How could I be a good thing? When you get out of here aren't you just going to ignore Callum and Jeff? Let alone talk to me? That's what most popular kids would do." She says looking down

"Well lucky for you I'm not like most popular kids. I don't care about if your popular or not you guys are my friends. And your a good thing because your amazing and I may have only know you two days. And you can call me crazy but I really like you."

She looked up at me and smiled it was only then did I realise how close we where I started to lean in slightly and so did she she closed her eyes and so did I as we both kept slowly leaning in until our lips collided I reached up and place my hand on her cheek. It felt like electricity flowing threw my entire body she tasted of strawberries I couldn't help but smile into the kiss and once we pull away I could see she was smiling as well. She held my hand and intertwined or fingers and she rested her head on my shoulder and I tilted my head so it was resting on hers and we watched the busy streets of New York.

After a while we went back down to 3North and my dad was obviously gone but I didn't care at the moment. We went and ate or dinner and talked to Jeff and Callum but we never said anything about the kiss we just held hands under the table and every now and then I would give her hand a little squeeze and she would squeeze my hand back which would make us both smile. We all needed to do one more activity for the day so we decided to go to the movie night.

We watched the Goonies with a few other people some of them where adults. About 3/4 threw the film Amber fell asleep on my shoulder. After the film we all went to our rooms I walked Amber to her room and why no on was in the corridor she gave me a peck on the lips then we said night to each other and then she went into her room. Then I walked to mine and Callum's room and saw Callum readings in this bed. I got changed before going to sleep with a giant smile on my face.

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