Chapter 29

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Ryden POV

I've been in jail for 2 days and it's so boring. I was laying on the metal framed bed waiting for anything to happen it was about 9pm when a officer walked in and opened up my cell "Jones your getting out." I sat up from the bed and walked over to the cell door and he let me out. I walked out into the reception where Fangs was he signed something then Fangs walked over to me and handed me a bag with my stuff in.

"Your dad got the CCTV footage from the house that shows you and Amber where in the house all night and didn't leave till Sunday morning so your going home." He said putting his hand on my shoulder before walking out as I followed him and get into the back of his car and he starts to drive me home but then we drove down Ambers street an I had to see her. "Stop the car!" I shout and Fangs slams on right in front of Ambers house "what? what happened?" Fangs says looking around I get out the car and run to her door and knock on it.

A few seconds later Amber opened the door.

"Hi." I said smiling at her and she started to cry happy tears and she pulled me into a hug "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too Ryde." I give her a long passionate kiss which terns into a make out session and I push Amber up against the door that closed behind her making her giggle. Then there was a loud car honk that made us both jump and I pulled Amber to my chest and looked behind me and saw Fangs pointing to his wrist telling me to hurry up. I laughed and turn back to Amber. "I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow I'll walk you to school." I say kissing her again "ok. I love you." She said kissing me passionately "I love you too. I'll text you." I say kissing her one more time before walking back to the car and getting in then Fangs drives to my house.

I walk in and talk to my mom, dad, Blue and Juliet then I go upstairs and have a long shower showers are where I can think and relax. I got out the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked into my room then I saw My dad sat on my bed and I stumbled back a bit and held the towel around my waist.

"Jesus dad. What you doing in here." I say running the hand that wasn't holding my towel threw my wet hair.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you. I just came to see how you here doing."

"I'm good."

"Ok. I'll leave you to get changed then." He said standing up and patting me on the back I pulled some boxers on then some sweatpants then I here's my mom shout "Jughead what the hell is this!"

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