Chapter 51

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Ryden POV

Its been 3 days. I've done one lot of chemo and 2 lots of radiation. The doctor said it would probably be easier to shave my hair to make it easier then just have it fall out so at the moment I have no hair I fell pretty weak and tired. I'm at home now and I have to be on oxygen 24/7 and I have to wear a oxygen thing that goes into my nose and when I sleep I have to wear an oxygen mask and I also have to use it when I can't breath properly. So considering I have no hair I refuse to take my beanie of around people and I kind of just stay in the house I'm so thankful school is over and I don't really have to talk to anyone.

Jughead POV

I was sat in mine and Betty's room looking threw all the bills I have to pay there's quite a few.

•Mortgage on the bar
•Mortgage on the house
•Water for the bar
•Water for the house
•Gas for the house
•Gas for the bar
•Electric for the bar
•Electric for the house
•Alcohol for the bar
•Food for the bar
•Snacks for the bar
•Weekly food shopping for us all
•The monthly payments on the car
•Monthly payments for everyone's phone (Mine, Betty's, Ryden's, Blues, Juliet's)
•Because it's Christmas. Christmas presents.
And probably most expensive yet most important •Rydens hospital and treatment bills

I had all the bills all sprawled out on the bed with a note pad and pen and a calculator trying to figure out how to pay all the bills. Even with all mine and Betty's salary put together it's still not enough we're a couple thousand short. I let out a sigh and put my head in my hands. Betty walked in and sat next to me and held my hand.

"What's up Juggie?"

"I'm going to have to close the bar. For a little while at least."


"We....we just can't afford it."

"What do you mean? We've never struggled before what's changed?"

"Well Rydens hospital build and his treatment cost a lot and considering it's Christmas were really struggling."


"So the only thing we can do is to close the bar, lower the people who work there's wages or fire most of the staff and I can't do that."

"Jug I can get another job."

"No betty you work full time already and we just need to cut back."

"How much do we need to cut back?"

"About $100,000 worth. Plus more with the more chemo and radiation he has the more the bill is."

"Ok. So...... I have know idea Jug. We can't close the bar because that makes more problems because we won't be able to make any money."

"I know so it just means I'm going to have to get more shifts like a lot more shifts." Before we could say anything else Ryden walked in and stood at the door.

"I want to stop chemo and radiation."

"What why?!" I said starting up and letting go off Betty's hand and walking in front of him

"I....I....I just can't do it. It's horrible my hairs fell out my body hurts I'm weak I throw up all the time and I just can't."

"Ryden I don't think that's a good idea you've just started."

"I know I shouldn't but I want to. Please."

"No Ryden your 16 you can't make that decision."

"It's my body dad. I should be able to do what I want with it."

"Ryden you where all for this what changed your mind?"

"You and mom."

"What? What did we do?"

"You cant afford it. I don't want to bankrupt you guys live a happy life mine is clearly over so. I'm going to my room." He said walking out

I followed about 2 minutes later and saw his oxygen mask and stuff out side in knocked on the door and there was no answer.

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