Chapter 33

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Ryden POV

I ran to Ambers house and knocked on the door why breathing heavily. I knocked on the door again until Amber opened the door with a tear stained face and red puffy eyes I placed my hand on her cheek and smacked my lips into hers and kissed her passionately till I pull back to get some air.

"Amber I'm so sorry." I say keeping my hand on her cheek and I cares her cheek with my thumb. "I'm really sorry. I know you didn't cheat on me. This is all my fault I'm sorry Amber I didn't mean for this to happen. Can you forgive me?" I say trying to stay calm

"Ye." She said softly I pulled her into a hug and she hugged me back when we pulled away she grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs and shut the front door then we walked upstairs and we lay down on her bed facing each other I pulled her to me so her head was on my chest.

"Are you keeping the baby?"

"Im not sure. What do you want to do?"

"It's not up to me. But I'll support you know matter what."

"I want to keep it."

"Ok. I love you." I say kissing her softly

"I love you too." She said snuggling into my chest and we fell asleep.

A few hours later I woke up with Amber still wrapped in my arms I got up and wrote a note telling Amber I had to go home. I left and walked home. When I got in I walked into my room and a few minutes later my mom and dad walked in.

"Hey. You talk to Amber?"

"Ye. We're all good."

"Did you guys find out what your going to do about the baby?" My mom said I looked up at her then at my dad

"You told her?!"

"Ryden she's your mom she deserves to know."

"Ryden I don't think your...." before she could finish I cut her off

"What ready? Don't you think I don't know that! I'm 16 mom. I have no house. I have no I job and I have no money! I can support Amber or this baby.I'm not ready to be a dad! But not just that. I have know idea how to look after a baby or be a good dad! I wanted kids but later on when I'm older I've lived a little I've got a house and a stable job. But you know what it's not my decision to make I told Amber I would support her no matter what so that's what I'm going to have to do I'm going to have to figure something out because she's keeping the baby."


"Just leave me alone.....Please." I said and they both left leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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