Chapter 45

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Ryden POV

It's been a week since my operation I can walk around and everything and I'm being discharged today so I'm happy about that because I hate hospitals the smell the feel just them in general. I was laying on my bed in just a pair of sweatpants they said I didn't need to keep the oxygen mask on all the time anymore a nurse was changing my dressing it's been the same nurse changing it every day his names James he pretty cool.

"Are you going to miss changing my dressing everyday." I said with a chuckle

"Oh Ryden I have no idea I think I'm just going to be lost. You can take this off anyway when you leave." He said jokingly and we both laughed

When he was done he walked out my room and my dad came in.

"Hey Ryden. Ready to go?"

"Ye." I said getting out of bed and pulling my shirt over my head I winced a little I put my shoes on and grabbed the rest of my stuff and put it in my bag and walk out of the room with my dad he signed the discharge papers and I got into the car and he drove me home.

When we got home and went into the bathroom I took my shirt off and my dressing and looked in the mirror the cut went from the middle of my peaks and down in between my abs and stopped about an inch above my bellybutton it had 16 staples in it holding it together so hopefully I don't have to go threw any metal detectors because it would go crazy. I finished getting undressed and went for a shower. When I was done I put my black jeans on a tshirt and my beanie before walking down the stairs and pulled my shoes on and grabbed my serpent jacket on then my dad looked at me.

"Ryden what you doing?"

"Going to work." I got a job at the bar as a bartender about a day before Amber lost the baby.

"Ryden are you sure? Your literally just left hospital."

"I know but I need something to do I can't sit around all day I've done that for a week and plus I need money for Christmas presents."

"Fine but you stay behind the bar and if you need a break you can just tell me and go up to the apartment. Ok?"

"Ok." I said and he got up

"Your mom and the twins at at the bar anyway."

My dad drove me to the bar when I got in I walked in and said hi to a few people before my dad went into the back to his office and I went behind the bar and started pouring drinks. Then Sam, Alex and Crash walked in they walked over to the bar.

"Ryden! I haven't seen you since you collapsed I text but you didn't respond." Crash shouts and he high-fived me then all 3 of them sat at the bar on stools

"Where'd you go?" Sam said

"Ye we haven't seen you since we finished." Alex said

"I was in the hospital." I said pulling up my shirt so they could see the massive cut "I had severe internal bleeding from Ambers dad beating the shit out of me it crushed my lungs so I was on oxygen till yesterday so my lungs could strengthen."

"Shit. Are you ok?"

"Ye. I'm going to have a kick ass scare though." I said making them laugh and I put my shirt down then I remember I should probably call Amber I served Alex, Sam and Crash drinks then went to my dads office and told him I was going upstairs for a little bit I went up into the apartment and text Amber to meet me at the bar and made her use the back entrance.

A few minutes later she walked threw the door of the apartment and ran into my arms and cried in my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I should have called or text or......" she cut me off by kissing me and I kissed back "I thought you didn't want to be with me."

"No. Never." I said kissing her again

"Where where you I text you and called but you didn't answer."

"I was in the hospital."

"What! Why? Are you ok?" She said pulling away and looking me up and down trying to see if I was ok. I lifted up my shirt so she could see my cut and she gasped and ran her hand along it and I winced.

"How? Why?" She said with tears in her eyes

"Your dad gave me internal bleeding when he beat me up and it weakened my lungs. But I'm ok now." I said putting my shirt down and trying to reassure her.

"Ryden I'm so sorry." She said starting to cry again and I just pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair.

"Amber do you remember when I said I met Jamie when I tried to kill my self?"

"Ye you've told me about it." She said why she was resting her head against my chest.

"We had a daughter." I said looking down at her and she looked up at me "You met her?" She said with tears in her eyes

"She looks like you. She's small always happy her laugh is amazing she's beautiful and she's just perfect. And I wanted to stay but I couldn't I jut spent time with her talking to her and making her laugh."

"We need a name then." She said smiling and wiping her tears away I smiled down at her and planted a soft kiss on her lips and pulled away and rested our foreheads together "Ok."


"Eliza." I said smiling at her "I love it it's a beautiful name." I said looking into Ambers eyes and kissing her softly then smiled at her.

"I love you."

"I love you too." She said leaning her head on my chest again. I held her there until I told her I had to go. I kissed her and told her to meet me at the bar tomorrow at 10am so we could spend some time together in the apartment because she still wants it to be me and her for a while. Then I went back to the bar.

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