Chapter 44

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Ryden POV

I was laying on the bed in the operating room the anaesthesiologist came in (the person who puts her to sleep) she came in and said "you ready? Are you tense?"

"As I'll ever be. And I'm not tense I'll be happy either way if I die I get to stay with my daughter and brother and watch down on the people I love and if I survive I stay with my family and my girlfriend so I'm good either way. So no. I'm not tense and I'm ready." I said they moved the oxygen mask and placed the mask that uses gas instead then everything went black again and I was back in the white room and I was sat on the floor with Jamie in front of me holding the baby I smiled at him.

"I didn't make it?"

"Well that's undecided but I talked it over with my higher ups and you can stay here till your surgery's over. I thought it would be good for you to spend time with your daughter. If you want?"

"Of course I do." I said and he handed me the baby I unwrapped her from the blanket and holding her I sat her on my knee and started bouncing her up and down and talking to her making her laugh which made me smile.

"I don't know how you thought you would be a bad dad your amazing."

"Thanks." I said looking at him then back at the baby and started to tickle her and talk to her. I don't know how long I was there for I don't know wether she will even remember the little time we spent together but I would remember this forever. This will be the only time I'd spend with my daughter why I'm alive. I felt a tingling sensation in my chest I kissed her in the head and whispered in her ear "I will always love you don't forget that." I handed her back to Jamie why we where sat on the floor of the endless white room I lay down in the floor and felt a shocking pain in my chest again then I woke up.

I was in a hospital room. I still had a oxygen mask on and there was the doctor in my room from before my chest and stomach hurt but not like before this time it was a pain in a straight line all the way down my chest and stomach i groaned in pain and looked at the doctor and she looked up at me.

"Hey Ryden I'm doctor Bailey do you remember me?"

"Ye I remember."

"How you feeling?"


"Well that's expected. So we managed to stop the bleeding and get all the blood out but the weight and pressure of the blood caused some damage to your lungs so that's why you've got the oxygen mask on. We're going to keep you on it till your lungs strengthen and can work fully and efficiently by them selves but where not sure how long that will be. But apart from that your ok. Your parents are in the lobby we wouldn't let them in because you where still asleep do you want me to send them in now?" Doctor Bailey said

"Ye please." I said laying my head back on the pillow she walked out and a few minutes later my mom and dad walked in.

"Hey Ryden. How you doing?" My dad said

"I'm a bit sore and I hate hospital gowns. There itchy and annoying." I said smiling I could tell they where concerned do I tried to lighten up the mood.

"We'll go home later and bring you some sweatpants or something. But if you don't want to wear the gown we can't bring you a shirt because they have to change your dressing and keep a eye on your staples." My mom said sitting in the chair next to me and my dad sat next to her

"When'd you get it?"


"Your tattoo." He said smiling at me as he held my moms hand

I smirked at him "When I was getting my serpent tattoo when you left. I walk round shirtless all the time and you've never noticed it?"



I smiled at them and we talked. The twins had gone home because it was late so auntie JB took them home.

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