Chapter 15

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Ryden POV

I followed Nurse Jen into a small office and she sat across from me as I sat in a chair.

"Ok so. This is 3 North now you will be mixed in with adults and teenagers your age. Here is the schedule of the activity's we offer and the times. You are required to take part in at least 2 a day it can be any two at any time." She says handing me a pice of paper she tells me a few other things like if I need and extra therapy help or I feel like I'm want to hurt myself there is nurses to help me 24/7. When she was done she said "do you have you got any questions for me or about anything?"

"No. I don't think so."

"Ok. So before you go into the centre do you have any sharp object? Pocket knifes? Keys?"

I hand over my keys and she puts them in a bag. "I also need your shoe laces and your hoodie string."

I was confused at first but then remembered that it could be dangerous if anyone wanted to hurt themselves they could use them so I just untie them and give them to her and she puts them in the bag with my other stuff. Then she stands up and I stand up with her and she walks me threw another door and we where in the centre. It didn't look that bad just like a more comfortable hospital she walked me to around a little showed me the dinning hall the rec room where they had board games,books, table tennis and records then she showed me where the showers and toilets where an where the phones where. She then showed me the TV room which was just a room with a TV and some couches in there where a few people around some adults a few teenagers. But there was one person who stuck out the most. It was a girl. She had brown hair and blue eyes she was wearing a light grey hoodie and a tshirt with black jeans and maroon doc martens (with no laces obviously) and she was sat on a chair reading with her feet on the table. I've seen her before. She goes to my school I know because I've seen her walking round in the halls before and she's in a few of my classes but she's always quiet so I'm not sure what her name is I think it's Amber.I'm not going to lie she is quite pretty and.....oh shit I've been staring at her and smiling like a idiot for god knows how long I quickly turn back to the nurse and thank god neither of them noticed the nurse was busy talking about some shit I wasn't paying attention to. She showed me my room and I was shearing with another teenager called Callum he was 16 as well and he seemed cool. After getting the tour and settling into my room I decided to the rec room considering it was the afternoon when I got here they did I didn't have to do the 2 activity's today and I would start that tomorrow. I take off my hoodie and untied my flannel and I was about to leave then I saw my wrists that where covered in cuts. So I decided to put my flannel in just to cover my wrists. Then I went to the rec room.

When I got there I went over to the book shelves and had a lol at what books there where and I decided on a WW1 book it was a book of people's stories and experiences in World War One. I sat on the couch and started to read then i looked up and saw Amber looking at the book shelf I looked back at my book and kept reading then I heard a soft voice say "Is this seat taken?" I looked up to see Amber stood there gesturing to the seat on the couch next to me. I look at her and smile and shake my head and she sits next to me. "It's Ryden right?"

"Ye Ryden Jones. Amber isn't it?"

"Ye. Amber. Amber Evens."

"Your I'm my history and sciences."


We just sit next to each other and read until dinner time when we walk to the dinning room. I didn't know anyone and she went and sat with Callum and someone else I was about to sit on my own when Amber shouted "Ryden!" I look over and she waved me over and I walk over and sit next to her and the other boy sat with us said "hi I'm Jeff Martin."

"Ryden Jones."

"You look familiar? Take your hat off."


"I've seen you before but you didn't have your hat on."

"That wasn't me then. Are you sure it wasn't my dad? People say we look similar."

"Who's your dad?"

"Jughead Jones."

"Jughead Jones? As I'm the leader of the serpents? As in the sexy biker?" I was confused at why he was calling my dad sexy until Amber said "Jeff's gay." I just nod my head and said "ye that my dad I guess.Tallish? Jet black wavy hair?"

"Yes. Ripped as hell as well." Me Callum and Amber just looked at him really confused as why he would know that then he says "what? He works out at the same gym as me and he's always boxing in the ring with this other sexy guy they always end up taking there shirts off and uhhh. Are they ripped." As he said this I was taking a drink an I nearly chocked and Amber had to pat my back as I was coughing try not to choke to death "do you know who that guy is coz I want his number?"

"I would but I'm not gay. Sorry." I say with a slight laugh

"OMG. That's you?"

"Yep. No can we please talk about something else other then me and my dad." I say and we all laugh it was fun Jeff, Callum and Amber all seem really nice they all go to my school apparently and there all in my year so that's cool. After dinner I was kind of tired so i went back to my room and I took of my flannel and tshirt so I was just in my sweatpants and I took of my shoes and went to bed. This place didn't seem that bad.

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