Chapter 11

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Ryden POV

The last thing I remember was me telling my dad I was sorry why I lay in his arms in the small bathroom both of us covered in bloody water. Then black. Then there was a white light and it got brighter and brighter then I was in a whit room laying on the floor I look down and see I was wearing the same cloths as before but they weren't covered in blood. I look around and it's just white whit walls white floor and white roof. Then there was a kid about my age stood there he walked over to me and helping me up he look so strange yet so familiar like I've seen him before. (Picture at the top is him.)

"Have I met you before?" He just shakes his head

"Where am I?"

"Your dead."


"Nah I'm just kidding. It's basically your dead but not dead your clinically dead you should be going back soon. Come on follow me." He says as he starts to walk

"Wait." I say and he turns around
"Who are you I feel like I've seen you before." He walks over to me and stands in front of me.

"I always thought I would meet you never did I think it would be so soon." He puts his hand on my shoulder then where in the old apartment my mom was laying there with my dad laying next to her. She shots up and shakes my dad there saying something but I can't hear them then my dad picks up my mom and carried her to the car. I turn and were in a hospital room and my mom and dad were laying there now I can here them.

"It's my fault Jug. I lost our baby Jug. It's all my fault." My mom says

"Hey! Now it's not! Don't say that!" My dad says

"Jug it is. I don't even know why you want me close to you."

"STOP!!! I will not stand hear and let you say this is your fault! Yes it sucks! Yes it's fucked up! But No this isn't your fault! You had no control over it!!"

"Jug don't."

"Don't what Betty! Tell you the truth?! Betty let me spell it out. YOU HAD NO CONTROL OVER THIS!"

"Jug you don't understand they said the baby detached from me and I couldn't give it what it needed. I COULDN'T!!"

"For fuck sake!! No it's not! Wake up and see it. If you think I would blame you then I don't! Ok! I don't Betty I love you!"

"How? How could you love me?"

"Because I do! Ok. I do. I love you and it hurts that we lost this baby but Betts when your ready we can have another. But the thing that's hurting me the most right now Betts is that you blame your self for something you could never prevent."

Then my dad kisses my mom.

"I still think it's my fault."

"Fucking hell Betty!" Then my dad starts punching the wall near the door several times until my mom shouts "Jug stop!"

"When you do Betts! Look I love you but I should go if your going to be like this. Sweet-Pea is probably getting tired. Veronica is outside with Kevin. I love you."

Then it was over we where back in the white room and the kid was stood in front of me. "What was that?"


"So your my...."

"Little brother. You where only young not old enough to remember. My names Jamie. Jamie Taylor Jones. They didn't know if I was a boy or girl." He says with a chuckle I pull him into a hug I always felt like a pice of me was missing but hugging Jamie I felt.....hole. Then we pull away "come on. I want to show you something." He says holding out his hand. I take it and where in my Moms old apartment (Veronica and Archie's apartment and Joaquin and Kevin live across the hall.)

There was knock on the door and my mom gets up if the couch and walks to the door and answers it.

"Jug? What do you want come to tell me how worthless I am?"

"Betts I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry about what I said. The truth is.... I like you a lot. your not some worthless one night stand ok. Look I was scared I'm not exactly dad material and my dad was pretty shitty guy so I have know idea what to do. I just thought it would be better if I wasn't in the picture to fuck this baby up. But my sister knocked some sense into me. And I do want to be apart of our baby's life Betts. But only if you will let me."

My mom break down and my dad pulls her into a tight hug. He walks her over to the couch keeping her tight to his chest why he told her it was going to be ok. She look up at him and pull him into a kiss. "I like you to Jug and I'm scared to. But you won't be anything like your dad because we are not our parents. And I would love for you to be apart of our baby's life. Know matter what." She pulled him into another kiss and he stands up and shrugs of his jacket and kick of his boots and gets comfortable next to her then it was over.

"That was after that argument at the bar. Look I'm not telling you what to do but I never got a chance with mom and dad you do. And the twins weren't planed non of us where. But they love us all the same. What I'm saying is they will never stop loving you so don't think it." Then I hear people taking we both look up and Jamie says "that's your cue. Tell mom and dad I love them and I'm always watching over all of you." I pull him into a tight hug. "They would love you by the way. Thanks. I'll see you soon Jay. I love you." I pull away and smile at him "Anytime.I love you too.see you soon Rye." I close my eyes and take a deep breath. There was beeping it was getting louder and louder then I open my eyes and I was in a hospital room.

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