Chapter 10

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Jughead POV

About 10 minutes after Ryden walked out Juliet woke up. Me and Betty took her upstairs and Betty stayed with her making sure she was ok. About a hour and a half after Ryden left I got a text from Toni saying he just walked in the bar. I told Betty I was going to talk to him and I got on the bike and drove to the bar.

"Where is he?" I ask Toni as I walk over to the bar

"He went up to the apartment maybe.....17ish minutes ago." She said from behind the bar. I walk up the stairs but nothing could proper me for what was in the apartment I walk in and look around.

"RYDEN!" I shout as I look around I see the bathroom door slightly open I walk over to the door and push it slightly "Ryden?" As the door breaks open i see Ryden laying in a bath of bloody water still in his cloths his eyes where slightly open and I run over to him and pull him out the bath and see his wrists covered in cuts. "Ryden! RYDEN!" I grab the bandages out the cabinet and try and stop the bleeding as much as possible. "SWEET-PEA!!!! FANGS!!" I shout in to the apartment as I left the door open I hoped they could hear me "Ryden come on stay with me. I love you ok. I'm sorry.Come on." I plead and pray someone could here me shouting. As I tightly wrap Ryens arms my clothes covered in bloody water Sweet-Pea and Alex run in "Boss want..."Alex says run into the bathroom with Sweet-Pea and seeing Ryden.

"Oh shit!" Alex says
"I'll get Toni" Sweet-Pea says as he runs out

"Alex call 911. NOW!" I say because I left my phone in the car.

Ryden still had his eyes open slightly as I held my nearly dead son in the floor I couldn't help but cry. "I love you Rye. Don't go come on I got you. Stay with me. Please." I say trying to keep him awake his arms weren't bleeding as much but they still where a bit bit by the looks of the bath he lost a lot of blood then I see him trying to say something so I lean my ear close to his mouth so I can here. "I'm sorry dad. For disappointing you."

"No Ryden I didn't mean it I was mad." Then his eyes close slowly "No. NO! RYDEN!" I shout trying to wake him up.

Then Toni runs in with Sweet-Pea and Alex "they said it's ateast 20 minutes" Alex says

"He can't wait that long get him in the car NOW!" Toni says Alex helps me pick up Ryden and and Toni sits in the back of the car with Rydens head in her lap and me and Alex in the front. I speed breaking all traffic laws and make it to the hospital in 3 minutes. Me and Alex run him into the hospital with Toni following closely behind us.

"HELP!!!" I shout as we burst threw the doors "Someone help him!!!" Alex shouts and a group of doctors run out and place him in a stretcher "what's his name." One of the doctors asks as I walk along side the stretcher as they rush him threw the hospital "Ryden Jones. He's 16." They start shouting lots of word I have no idea what they mean then we reach a heavy set of doors and Ryden is pushed into the room and a doctor stops me. "I'm sorry sir you have to wait." "No in his dad let me stay with him." "I'm sorry sir you have to wait in the waiting room." He says walking into the room. I run my hands threw my hair and walk back to the waiting room where Toni and Alex pull me into a hug and I couldn't help but sob.

A few minutes later we where sat in the waiting room when Toni came in and handed me a coffee.

"Thanks." I say "don't you think you should talk to Betty?"

"Oh shit. Ye I'm going to go call her." I say standing up I walk out to the car and pull out my phone and dial Betty's number. I rest my head against the staring wheel.

"Hey Jug."

"Betty. Betts...Ryden..." I couldn't finish my sentence before I start to cry again

"Jug? What happened are you ok? Is Ryden ok? JUG! What happened?!!!"

"Ryden tried to kill himself Betty." I say beginning to sob again then I here Betty start to cry.

"No. No. Is he ok? Where is he? How? Why?" She says sobbing.

"I'm going to text Sweet-Pea to pick you up. Ok? You need to be here I need you Ryden needs you...I can't stay here without you with that picture in my head and I don't know what's going to happen with Ryden." I say starting to cry again I hear Betty still crying

"Hurry up and text Sweet-Pea then I need to see him and be there just in case." I hang up and text Sweet-Pea to get Betty because he stayed at the bar to clean up the bathroom. I walk back into the hospital and sit in the waiting room with Alex and Toni with my head in my hands. I don't know how long I was like that because was just hoping Ryden was ok. Then I here'd a soft voice say "Juggie." I look up and see Betty with red puffy eyes and she's stood there with Blue and Juliet and Sweet-Pea with a plastic bag stood behind them. Blue had puffy eyes and was hugging Juliet who was crying into his shoulder I stand up and walk over to Betty and let her just cry into my chest I couldn't help but cry with her. After a little while she calmed down and we all sat down. Betty sat next to me holding my hand and resting her head in my shoulder with Blue was next to her resting his head on Betty's shoulder and Juliet was next to me and I had my arm wrapped around her and she had her head on my side. We sat there in comfortable silence until I see Sweet-Pea star across from us with the plastic bag at his feet.

"What's in the bag sweets?" I say and he looks down and frowns

"They where in the apartment. Rydens jacket phone keys his hat and.....a letter." He says looking at the bag.

"He wrote a..." sweets just nods his head slowly he hands me the bag and remove my hand from around Juliet and from Betty and we all sit up straight. I look threw the bag until I find a folded pice of paper I pull it out the bag and hold the letter in my hand. I unfold the paper and look down at it and then I hold Betty's hand and start to read the letter in my head.

Dear, Mom and Dad

I'm sorry. I'm sorry I did what I did by ending my life. I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment. I'm sorry I hurt Juliet. I'm sorry for all the arguments I put you both threw. I know what you said dad. When you first found out mom was pregnant with me someone sent me the CCTV tape.That you didn't want to be apart of my life I also know I was the result of a and I quote 'meaningless one night stand' in short I was never ment to happen. And I'm sorry you both had to live with this mistake so I did what I thinks best I ended it. Mom I know you love me or loved me I don't know how you could love a mistake like me but i wasn't meant to happen so I guess that's why you both always seemed to love the twins more then me. They where planed and I wasn't. Anyway. Your mistake has been take care of. I love you guys but it's ok if you don't or didn't love me tell the twins I love them and tell Juliet she can keep my guitar and tell her she should learn to play and I'm sorry for hurting her I didn't mean to. I love all of you and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Yours sincerely, Your forever loving son Forsythe Pendleton Jones The Forth. Xxxx

Betty begins to cry and I start to feel tears in my eyes. I pull her into my side and give her a hug. Then we where interrupted by a doctor

"Are you all here to see Ryden Jones?" He says

"Yes. Is he ok?"

"We got him stable but he's still unconscious. You can see him but only two at a time please. He's in room 104." He says walking away me and Betty stand up and I tell the kids to stay with Toni,Alex and Sweets and me and Betty walk to Rydens room.

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