Chapter 34

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Ryden POV

It's been about two weeks since the hole thing with Amber and I haven't talked to any of my family I've just eaten my food in silence and ignored them or given them simple yes no and maybe answers. I also spent most of my time with Amber I would get up early eat my breakfast walk to Ambers hang out with her before walking to school with her then I wouldn't talk to my friends I just gave them simple answers like I do with my parents then after school I'd go to Ambers house and hang out till it was really late then I'd go home microwave my dinner and eat it in the dinning room on my own then I'd work out a bit then shower and at like 2:30am I'd go to sleep and then get back up at 6:30am I'd get up and start the hole proses all over agin and in weekend I'd do the same but spend the time I'd spend at school with Amber. But today was different Amber had to go somewhere so I sat at home and watched Tv before grabbing my jacket and leaving.

Jughead POV

I was sat in my offices my desk at the back of the bar signing order forms then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shouted then the door opened and Ryden walked in and sat on the chair in front of my desk I put my pen down and looked at him he had dark rings under his eyes and he to be honest didn't look good.

"Hey Ryden. How you doing?"

"I'm ok I guess." He said shrugging his shoulders

"So not that I'm not thrilled to see you up and out talking. What's brings you here?"

"I need a job."


"Dad..." he said softly and looking into my eyes

"Ryden you don't have to....."

"Don't do that. I do. I need a job. Because it's MY fault Ambers pregnant it's MY fault Amber has to have this baby with no money to her name it's MY fault her moms mad at her it's MY fault all of this is happening so I have to do something and get a job and get some money to help Amber with our baby. So if I can't get a job here I'll find somewhere else." He says standing up and walking outs

"Ryden! RYDEN!" I shout after him I stand up and walk out of my office the bar was pretty full so I made my way threw the bar and outside I looked around and didn't see him anywhere I got in my bike and rode to Ambers house to see if he was there I parked outside of her house and knocked on the door a few seconds later Amber opened the door on her phone. "Mr Jones have you seen Ryden?"

"No that's why I'm here. You haven't seen him?"

"Ye I saw him like 15 minutes ago and he told me he was sorry and he loved me and he didn't mean for any of this to happen then he just left and I've tried calling him but he won't pick up and I called the bar and everything there's no answer." She says starting to panic

"Hey it's ok. I'm going to call Toni where going to find him just stay here." I say pulling out my phone and calling Toni.


"Toni it's Jughead check the apartment now! I can't find Ryden and I have know idea what's going threw his head."

"I'm checking the apartment now. I'll call you back if I find anything." She says hanging up I get on my bike and drive to the house I quickly open the door and look around "RYDEN!" There was know response I dialled his number then I heard his phone in the kitchen I walked in and saw his phone on the counter with a letter as soon as I saw the letter I dialled Toni agin.


"He's wrote a letter get the serpents and look for him." I say hanging up I drove around till my phone rung I pulled over and answered it it was Toni.

"Jug. He's on the Brooklyn bridge!"

"I'm on my way." I say hanging up and got back in my bike and drive to the bridge.

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