Chapter 21

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Ryden POV

I was sat in the Whyte Wyrm on a table with Alex, Sam and Crash (Liam) and a few other serpents we where just talking and joking. Only Alex, Sam and Crash know where I was and why and everyone else just thinks I was in the hospital. After a while my phone buzzed I looked down and saw a text from Amber.

Am🧡: We're outside.x

Rye🍕: Ok. I'll come out and meet you now.x

I put my phone back in my pocket and walked outside. And see Amber, Callum and Jeff. I walk over to them and stand with them.

"Hey guys."

"Hi." Callum says

"Hey Ryden." Jeff says

"Hi Rye." Amber says giving me a hug why we where hugging I whispered in her ear "do you want to tell people about us?" I'm really hoping she would say yes because I don't want to have to hide our relationship from people because I really like her and I don't want to be ashamed of us dating and I don't want her to be ashamed of dating me. But if she wants to wait to tell everyone I'm ok with that. I pull away slightly and look at her and she smiles and nods her head I smile back down at her why she keeps her arms wrapped around me I keep one arm wrapped around her waist and another on her cheek I pull her into a passionate kiss. After a little while we pull away we heard Jeff say "HA! Callum you ow me 10 bucks!"

"You guys betted on us?" I say chuckling they both nod and we all laugh. "You guys want to come in and meet my friends?" They all said yes and I hold Ambers hand and intertwined our fingers and walked in to the bar with Callum and Jeff behind us as we walk in all the serpents were saying hi and welcoming Amber,Callum and Jeff. Then as we approached the table where my friends were sitting Crash started whistling and shouted "look at little Ryden. He's got him self a girlfriend finally." He says and then all my friends started clapping. I sat back down and Amber sits next to me still holding my hand and Callum and Jeff sit in the other side of me.

"Ye guys calm down. This is Amber my girlfriend. An this is Callum and that's Jeff." I say pointing to them. We sat and talked for a while and then Jeff went off and started talking to Hunter one of the serpents and Callum and Crash started talking.

Me and Amber where sat talking and I saw my Mom smiling at me with my dad so I thought now may be a good time to introduce Amber official to my mom and dad as my girlfriend. So why the music was playing i leaned into her ear and asked her "do you want to meet my parents as my official girlfriend? You don't have to."

"Of course I'll officially meet your parents." She said smiling

I smile at her and we stand up and held hands and walk over to my mom and dad who where sat at the bar. When we get there I say "Mom. Dad. This is Amber my girlfriend." I say smiling at Amber

"It's nice to meet you Amber. Officially." my mum says smiling at her.

"Nice to meet you Amber." My dad says smiling then he turns to me and says "uh Ryden. Can I talk to you in the back for a sec?" He says looking at me

"Sure." I say I turn to Amber and peak her in the lips "I'll be back in a minute." I said walking into the back with my dad. I walk into his office and shut the door. He sat in his desk chair and I sat in the chair in front of his desk.

"So. You've got a girlfriend now Ryden."


"Ok Rye. We've had 'the talk' so you should be all clear on that. But here." He says reaching into his draw in his desk and throw me a box. I caught the box and look down at it. Condoms. Great this couldn't get any awkward. I put them in my jacket pocket and say "thanks. But you just keep them in here." I say with a slight laugh "Well I have more then one box in here and it wouldn't be the first time me and your mom had sex in here." He says with a smirk "oh god. I don't want to know." I say walking out of the office and back to the bar.

I walked over to the bar and got two Coke's one for me and one for Amber. As I was stood at the bar I felt someone tap me on the shoulder so I turned around and saw Amber stood there.


"Hi. What where you and your dad talking about?"

"He was just checking in."

Then Juliet comes over and says "hey Ryden have you seen Mom or Dad? I have to ask them something?" I look around and see my dad holding my moms hand and pulling her into his office they where both laughing and shut the door behind them.

"Uuuhhh. I would give them a few minutes." I say looking at her trying not to laugh she just nods and walks away then I hear Blue shout from the other side off the bar "Hey Ryden! Want to come play football with us?"

"No I'm good!"

Me and Amber where stood there talking and laughing for a while until she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the dance floor where a few other people where it was getting late so a lot of people went home so I didn't mind dancing. We danced for a little while until a slow song was on Moonlight by Allman Brown (song on the top of the chapter) Amber put her arms around my neck and I put my hands on her waist and we started to sway with the song then Amber says looking up at me "I love this song." "Me to. Maybe this could be our song?" I day smiling down at her "ye." She says standing on her tip toes and kissing me. After the song we walked back to the bar and stood there talking. It was overall a fun night and for the first time in a while I went to sleep really happy.


I updated the casting a bit and added the casting of Callum, Jeff and Amber.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter .🎉

- L

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