Chapter 3

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Ryden POV

I got up and ready for school I put on some black jeans a grey tshirt some black converse and my serpent jacket and my beanie obviously Me,Dad,Mom,Blue and Juliet always where our serpent jackets every where. I ate breakfast and me and Juliet walked to school just talking. She's in the year below me with Blue but Blue walks with his friends to school. Me and Juliet where just walking and talking. School was ok and at lunch I sat with the serpents I'm the leader of the junior serpents so me I sit with them and Juliet sits with us with Blue obviously there both serpents.

I was sat on the table talikng to Sam as Liam. I was waiting for Juliet and Blue to come from there lesson when there was a huge roar of a crowded coming from the middle of the cafeteria I turn like everyone else in the cafeteria and see a crowed then Alex comes running over to me "boss a Ghoulie just pushes Blue over and is trying to start a fight." I shoot up and run towards the crowd and see Juliet standing next to Blue they both look furious and they where stealing down a Ghoulie he looked new because I've never seen him before. I stand in front of Blue and Juliet. "We got a problem here?"

The guy looks back and forth from me to Blue and Juliet and then stands back. "No. No problem here." He says walking away that was weird I think. I make sure they where ok they where both fine. We got threw school and Juliet was handing out with her friends and Blue was with his friends so I walked home and when I got in I was surprised when I saw my dad sat on the couch he's usually never home by this time.

"Hey dad. What you doing home so early?"

"I'm going to work later. I'm taking you somewhere."


"Boxing. Here put these on." He says handing me a pair of basketball shorts and a tshirt I look at him confused

"You haven't gone boxing with me since I was 13." I usual go boxing with Alex so I was wondering why he wanted to go with me

"I know but i think it would be good for us to do something together. You don't have to if you don't want to...."

"No. No I'll go with you. I'll go get ready." I walk upstairs and get changed into the basketball shorts and tshirt obviously I kept my beanie on and a pair of sneakers. I walk downstairs and me and my dad drive to the gym where the boxing ring was.

When we get in we put on my gloves and my dad put on the focus pads and we stepped into the ring. I throw my hat onto the side and we begin.

After about half a hour my dad stoped and took of his gloves and pulled off his shirt. We were both dripping with sweat so I decided to pull off my shirt as well I'm not ashamed of my body I would say I'm pretty fit. We where boxing for about a hour in total then we drive home. On the way home me and my dad talk and just joked around. When we get in I have a shower and Me,Blue,Juliet my Mom and my dad had dinner as a family. My dad said he had to go back to the bar to help Sweat-Pea move some furniture around. I took a shower and got ready for bed I had just a pair of sweatpants on and a white tank top. There was a knock at the door and I herd my mom answer the door. I walked into my room and shut the door and just started tuning my guitar. Then I start doing my homework. At about 11:56pm and someone pushed my door open I look over and see Juliet in her pyjamas with red puffy eyes and she was crying. I stand up and pull her into a hug and pull her into my room and shout the door.

"What happened J?"

"M.....Mom and D...Dad are fighting." She said sobbing I pull her into a tighter hug.

"Juliet it's ok. Parents fight all the time."

"No. cheated on Mom. I....I can hear them and I can't sleep." She stays still crying

"You can't hear it in here. You can stay on my bed and I can stay on the pull out couch." I have a couch in my room for when I play video games or I have a friend over so it has a pull out bed.

"Are.....are you sure?" She stutters

"Of course." I say I pull away and walk her to my bed and she lays down. I go to sit down on the couch when Juliet says "Ryden?"


"Can...can your guitar?"


I walk over to my to my guitar and sit on my desk chair and then start to strum Can't Help Falling In Love. Then I start to sing.

Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?
Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you

I put my guitar down and look at Juliet who is now sound asleep in her bed. I get up and tuck her in then I hear a slight sob coming from the door I look over and see my mom stood there.

"That was beautiful Ryden." She says I walk over to her and give her a hug.

"Where's dad?" I say feeling my blood boiling at the thought of him cheating on her

"He's staying at the old apartment at the Whyte Wyrm. But don't worry about him."

"I love you mom. Dads a idiot if he doesn't see how amazing you are. How did you find out?"I say still hugging her

"I love you too Ryden." She says pulling away and caressing my cheek then shes stops and pulls out a pice of paper out of her pocket and hands it to me. I unfold it and see a picture of my dad kissing another woman.

"I'm going to kill him."

She smiles at me and tells me to get some sleep. I pull out the couch bed and go to sleep when I wake up my dad is going to get a pice of my mind.

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