Chapter 22

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Jughead POV

It a month till mine and Betty's 15th wedding anniversary. So I wanted to get her something nice. Something she wouldn't forget. I was sat in my office at the back off the bar on my computer trying to think off ideas when there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" I shouted looking up from my computer and over at the door and Toni walked in with a stack of papers.

"These are the order forms you wanted." She said placing the stack of paper on my desk as she was about to leave I say "hey Toni. Can I ask you something?"


"So mine and Betty's 15th wedding anniversary is coming up in a month and I want to get her something amazing but I don't know what. Do you have any ideas?"

"Maybe buy her a holiday for just the two of you. When was the last time you went on a trip alone together?"

"That's I great idea Toni. And I know just the place." I say smiling then my phone vibrated I pulled it out my pocket and looked at it 'Ryden Tattoo' it was a notification for the tattoo appointment for Ryden to get his serpent tattoo he's getting the same I have.

I left the bar and got on my bike and drove home. Once I was home I walked in and saw Betty just walking over to the couch with a cup of coffee. She placed the coffee down on the table and came and gave me a hug and a kiss. "How was your day?"

"It was good. Just planning for my first lesson."

"I'm so proud of you Betts." I say kissing her again. For a while now Betty has been training to become a English teacher and she finally finished and got a job. We don't need money or anything she just said she wanted to do something other then sit in the house and work ever so often at the bar. I walked up stairs to Rydens room why Betty went back to sit on the couch I knocked on his door and he told me to come in. I walked in and saw him tuning his guitar.

"Hey. You ready to go?"


"To get your tattoo." I say chuckling

"Crap. Ye that's today. Ye I'm ready." We both walked down stairs and said bye to Betty and I took the car and drive to the tattoo place.

When we got there I looked over at Ryden who was looking a little nervous "Ryden it's going to be fine." He just smiles and then we walk over and it begins. He was getting a double headed snake on his left arm that cooled around his arm from his wrist to his shoulder. After the general drawing and stuff Ryden was sat shirtless in a chair waiting to be tattooed.

Ryden has maybe a hour left on his tattoo when I got a call from the bar saying I was needed. So I told Ryden I had to leave and he was ok with it and said he would be fine on his own. I said bye to Tom who was the guy doing the tattoo. He's the guy who dose all the tattooing for the serpents so if your a serpent you can get any tattoo for free. I left the tattoo place and drove back to the bar.

Ryden POV

Once my serpent tattoo was done I decided why I was here I decided I get a tattoo in my left peck that said Jamie. Once that was done I thanked Tom and put my t-shirt on and serpent jacket and walked home. On the walk home I decided to text the group chat me Callum, Jeff and Amber have.

Rye🍕: I got my serpent tattoo today!

Callum📽: Cool. I want to see it when you get to school tomorrow.

Am🧡: Ooh. I can't wait to see it.

Jeff⭐️: Amber you just can't wait to see Ryden with no shirt on.😂

Am🧡: Oh shut up. You want to see his dad with no shirt on.😂

Callum📽: Why dose Rydens Dad always get dragged into this.😂

Rye🍕: Thanks for sticking up for my dad Callum. Right I'll talk to you all later i have to go do homework. 😂

I put my phone back in my pocket and continued walking home once I was home I did my homework had a shower ready for tomorrow's first day back at school. I ate my dinner with everyone and then went to bed.

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