Chapter 8

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Betty POV~1 Month Later

Me and Jughead where sat on the couch waiting for Ryden to come back from school to talk to him we got his report card today in the mail and he's failing a lot of his classes and since he joined the serpents fully he's getting in trouble at school more and the police have brought him home 3 times this month and we've had to pick him up from the station 2 times. So me and Jug are going to have a sit down talk with him we've tried talking to him but it doesn't change anything so hopefully a sit down talk will help.

We where sat for about 5 minutes when Ryden walks in with Blue and Juliet. Blue says hi and walks upstairs and Juliet walks into the kitchen as Ryden goes to walk upstairs I say "Ryden come and sit down please me and your dad need to have a talk with you." He walks to the armchair and sits down then Jughead starts "We got your report today and I have to say we're disappointed Ryden."

"Of course you are." He says with a sigh.

"Ryden were worried about you. You're coming home late or the police are bringing you home or we have to get you from the police station for causing trouble in the city."

"Ye Ryden whats going on?"

"Nothing." He snaps

"Fine. Ryden until you clean up your act and get your grades your suspended from the serpents give me your jacket."

He stands straight up and shouts "YOU CANT DO THAT!!!" Jughead stands up and shouts back "I can do as I please I'm your Farther and this is what's best for you!"

"What's best for me? What's best for me? Maybe you could try listening to me!"

"Ryden calm down." I say standing up and standing next to Jug.

"All you two Do is talk about talking to you but a month ago a tried but you wouldn't listen dad you said 'not now Ryden me and Blue are going to play football with uncle Archie' and mom you said 'I'm helping Juliet with her homework.' You BOTH didn't care so after about the 4th time of you two blowing me of to help Blue or Juliet I gave up."

"Ryden I'm sorry I was...." he cut me of. "To busy with the twins." He says coldly

"Hey that's not fair on your mother. She didn't know."

"Didn't know or did care?"

"Watch it Ryden I'm already disappointed in you and your suspended from the serpents don't make that a permanent thing!"

I could tell Ryden was getting mad and after Jughead said that Ryden turned around and kicked the armchair but at that time Juliet walked out of the kitchen and try to go upstairs when she walked behind the armchair and it hit her and she fell backwards and hit her head on the draws and was knocked out cold. "Juliet!" I shout as I run over to her I kneeled down next to her and try and shake her awake. I hear Jughead shout at Ryden "look what you've done now Ryden!" "I'm sorry I didn't mean..."then Jughead cut him off "you still did it!" Then Jughead runs over to us and try's to wake her as well. Why Ryden stands there shocked at what he just did it was a accident but I could tell Jughead was mad at him. After about a minute Ryden starts to walk to the door and Jughead stands up as I try to wake Juliet up.

"Where the hell do you think your going!!" Jughead shouts at Ryden.Ryden stood there for a second and then continued walking and as he put his hand on the door handle to open it Jughead says "You walk out that door Ryden dont think about coming back!" I could tell Jughead didn't mean it he was just mad and it was in the moment kind of thing. Ryden stops and after a few seconds he opens the door and slams it behind him as he left.

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