Chapter 36

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Ryden POV

I was lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling when my phone went off I looked down at it and saw Ambers name flash across the screen I picked it up.

"Hey Amber."

"Ryden can you come to the hospital. Please."

"Why? What happened? Is everything ok?"

"Ryden just....please." She said and I could hear her trying to keep back tears

"I'm on my way." I say hanging up I run down stairs and see my dad in the living room.

"Whow. Ryden slow down what's wrong?" He said standing up

"Ambers in the hospital." I said pulling my shoes on and grabbing my jacket and my dad already had his shoes on so he grabbed his jacket.

"I'll drive you." He said walking out the door with me we get in the car and speed of towards the hospital once we got there I jumped out of the car and ran into the hospital with my dad following me close behind. I ran to the desk and got Ambers room number and started walking down we where half way there when my dads phone went off.

"It's your mom. Do you want me to call her back later so I can come in with you?" He said looking at me

"No I'll be fine. You take the call." I said walking the rest of the way to Ambers room why my dad answers his phone.

I walked in and saw Amber asleep laying on a bed with a IV in her and a few monitors I could tell she'd been crying because her eyes where puffy I walked over to her bed and sat on the chair next to her and placed my hand in hers and she woke up and looked at me so I gave her a soft smile.

"You ok? Are you here alone?" I said quietly why stroking the back of her hand with my thumb

"She's in the cafeteria. And you don't have to worry about being a dad anymore Ryden. The baby didn't make it." She said as tears started to run down her face and I pull her into a tight hug.

"What happened?" I say trying to keep the tears back

"They said there was some kind of complication because of my age."

"I'm so sorry Amber." I said hugging her a little tighter

"Ryden I think I think we should break up." She stuttered and I pulled away and looked at her and saw how sad and broken she looked

"No please I don't want to lose you. Not know not ever." I said letting a few tears slide down my face

"Ryden I wasn't asking I was saying. We're over. Please go." She said crying more

"Am please." I pleased but it was no use

"Just go." She said and I lefts the room and as I walked down the hall I saw my dad walked me up and I walked into him and hugged him as he hugged me back and I started to cry as he attempted to calm me down.

"I'm not going to be a dad." I said sobbing

"Oh Ryden. I'm so sorry." He said hugging me "Do you want to stay here with Amber?"

"No. She broke up with me." I said calming down I pull away and wipe my eyes and begin to walk back out of the hospital when my dad grabs my arm.

"Ryden you can't just leave. She alone in there and she's going threw a hard time."

"No dad. She didn't want me in there with her and she doesn't want me to be a part of her life anymore and that's her decision not mine and I can't do anything about that. And she's not alone her moms in the cafeteria." I say pulling my arm away and walking out of the door to the car. A few seconds later my dad came out and got in the car and we drove home in silence. Once I got in I went up stairs and lay on my bed and cried into my pillow. I lost so much in one day.

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