Chapter 47

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Betty POV

I it was 10:26am and I stood in the kitchen with Jughead drinking coffee when Blue walked in in his pyjamas.

"Hey Blue."

"Morning Blue How you doing?"

"Good. Mom I need Uncle Kevin's phone number please."

"What do you need his number for?"

"Just a school project he said he'd help me with."

"Ok. Here." I say getting my phone out and writing down his number and handing it to Blue

"Thanks" He said taking the paper and started walking upstairs

"Oh Blue! Can you tell Ryden to come down a sec we need to talk to him!"

"Ok!" He shouted back and he continued walking up the stairs.

Ryden POV

I was laying in my bed with Amber laying on my chest why I twiddled with her hair we where both naked because last night she text me saying she couldn't sleep so when my mom and dad where asleep I snuck her into the house and we ended know. Then Amber buried her face into my chest but my scar was still saw so I winced and hissed a little then she moved her head completely off me.

"Sorry." She said looking down at my scar

"Hey. It's ok." I said leaning down and kissing her softly

"I like this." She said running her fingers along my new tattoo

"Do you still want a rose tattoo?"

"Ye. I have for ages. Why?" She said smiling

"Nothing just wondering." I said smirking and she giggled I flipped her over so I was on top of her and the blankets where on my waist and stopped just above my ass leaving Amber pretty exposed. I started to kissing her. Then the door opened and I quickly grabbed the covers and pulled them over Amber so no one could see her naked body and she buried her head into my shoulder so you couldn't see her face. I looked at the door and saw Blue walked into my room.

"Blue what the hell dude get out!!!" I shout and he walked out quietly and shut the door.

"Sorry! Mom and dad want you downstairs." He shouted and heard him shut his room

"Shit." I said looking down at Amber and she moved he head of my shoulder and looked at me why she was under me. "Do you think he knew it was me?"

"" I said trying to think

"That was three no's Rye. That's not that reassuring." She said chuckling

"Sorry. No I don't think he did we just have to think of a way to get you out of here without you being seen."

"I could just stay here." She said running her hands up my sides why I brace on my hands over her

"Mmm. Don't tempt me. We should get dressed before my parents see us." I said kissing her then getting out out of bed and pulling on some boxers and sweatpants why Amber got dressed when we where done I gave her a passionate kiss before taking her hand and checking to see if the cost is clear then pulling Amber down the stairs and out the door I gave her a quick kiss before she walked home I shut the door and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey what's up?" I said to my mom and dad

"I just wanted to see how your chest is?" My mom said

"It's good it only kind of hurts when I touch it."

"Well that's good it seems like it's getting better." My dad said

Blue POV

I sat on my bed and put my Uncle Kev's number in my phone the text him because I wanted to ask him something.

Blue🏈: Hey Uncle Kev it's Blue. Mom gave me your number I wanted to ask you something but if I do you have to promise me you won't talk to mom about it.

Uncle Kev🏳️‍🌈: Hey Blue. It depends on what your asking me?

Blue🏈: It's just a....I'm not sure what kind of question I was just curious.

Uncle Kev🏳️‍🌈: Sure ask away. I won't tell you mom if you don't want me to.

Blue🏈: When did you know you where gay?

Uncle Kev🏳️‍🌈: I'm not really sure do you think your.....

Blue🏈: I'm not sure.

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