Chapter 49

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Jughead POV

"I'm so sorry but Ryden has fluid in his lungs luckily we managed to put a tube in his side to drain it and get him stable. But we ran some more extensive tests and......Ryden has late stage 2 thyroid cancer. Which caused the buildup in fluid in his lungs and I'm surprised we didn't catch it earlier that's why his lungs where so weak." She said Betty started crying and I pulled her into a tight hug and tried to hold back the tears in my eyes I heard Juliet start to cry and Blue pulled her into a hug.

"He's in room 256 on the 2 floor I'll give you some time then your ready you can get a nurse to page me and we can talk about possibly treatments." She said walking away we all calmed dow a little and then we all went upstairs to Rydens room.

When we walked in I saw Ryden laying on a bed with a oxygen mask on and monitors on him this is becoming to much of a familiar sight we all walked in and sat around his bed and Betty took his hand and held it. As we sat in silence the bag of the cloths he was wearing vibrating I stood up and walked over to it and took out his phone and looked at it it was a message from Amber.

Am🧡: Hey do you want to hang out later again? Xx

I looked back up at Ryden and then at Betty and smiled.

"What you smiling about?" She Said wiping her eyes

"I think him and Amber are back together."

"Why'd you think that?" She said and I handed her his phone and she read the text and smiled and handed me back the phone.

"I'm going to get Sweetpea to come get the twins." I said pulling out my phone and texting him

"No I don't want to leave." Juliet said

"I know Juliet but you can come see him in the morning because when he wakes up he'll be really tired and we going to have to talk to him about stuff and it's a pretty upsetting subject so I think it would be better if it was only me and your mom here for that but I promise you can see him tomorrow if he's strong enough.ok?"


Sweetpea came and took the twins home and me and Betty stayed with Ryden. It was about 1:38am and Betty was asleep on the couch then as I was starting to drift of asleep I heard a croaky voice.


"Ryden?" I said looking at him and saw his eyes open and he was looking around then he looked down and saw the tube in his side and then he looked at me.

"What's wrong with me."

"Ryden maybe it would be a good idea to tell you later?"

"No. What is it I can take it."


"No dad. Please tell me."

"Your lungs filled with water they managed to drain it but they ran some have late stage 2 thyroid cancer." I said trying to stay as calm as possible.

"I have......what are they........what's going to happen to me?"

"We don't know yet Ryden we're going to talk to the doctors and see what we can do. We try everything we can."

"I don't want to die dad. At least not like this."

"I know Rye we're going to try everything we can. Just don't give up."

"I wont."

"Just try get some sleep ok?"

"Ok." He said and he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep and I fell asleep in the chair.

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