Chapter 16

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Ryden POV

I shot up. I was sweating lots and breathing heavily. I look over at Callum to see if I woke him up but he was still sound asleep thank god I didn't want to wake him up i look at the clock 3:23. I get up and it my T-shirt on and my hoodie and put my beanie on. I quietly leave the room and walk to the phone the halls where quiet and the lights where low and a warm yellow colour. I walked to where the phone was and pulled out the pice of paper with numbers on it my dad gave me. I decided to call my dad. After a few rings he picked up.

"Hello?" He said in a tired voice I could tell I had just woke him up

"Hey dad it's me."

"Ryden? It's 3:25. What's up is everything ok?"

"I just had trouble sleeping. And I had a bad dream and...."

"Ryden it's ok calm down. Deep breaths."

I take some deep breaths and then I talk again.



"Do you love mom?"

"Jesus Ryden. Of course I do. More then anything in the world. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know it's just that video of you and mom in the office and what you said about mom and me and...." Then he cut me off

"Ryden listen to me. When your mom told me about you I was a coward. I was scared. I didn't know the first thing about being a dad and I didn't think I was ready. But Ryden you and your mom and the twins are the best thing that's ever happened to me. And I was scared I would end up like my dad he was horrible to me and I had to raise JB on my own. But Ryden as soon as I said your mom was a meaningless one night stand I regretted it after I first met your mom I couldn't stop thinking about her. So yes I love your mom and I love you and I love the twins. Ok?"

"Ok. I love you to dad."

"Well look I can't make it to the morning visit because I got to work so your mom and the Juliet are coming I'll come to the night visit. Blues staying at his friends and he said he'd come tomorrow."

"That's ok. Could you ask mom then to bring me some clothes and a toothbrush and stuff."

"Ye of course. Get some sleep Ryden."

"I will. Night dad."

"Night Ryden." He says then I hung up I put the phone back. There was no way I was sleeping yet so I walked to the rec room making sure not to wake anyone up. I walked over to the window and looked out at New York then I looked around the room and saw a pile of instruments I walk over and picked up a guitar and sit in the couch and start to strum No Right To Love You by Rhys Lewis

Day breaks and when I turn
You're not on my pillow
My head shakes and then the penny drops
Still your t-shirt on my chair
Pencilled hearts on paper
I try not to think but I can't stop
And doubt sets in like a storm
I could feel it coming
And words echo out yesterday
Time pushed me to the edge
The jump was my decision
I've only got myself to blame
'Cause I have no right to love you
When I chose to walk away
I have no right to miss you
When I didn't wanna stay
And I have no right to need you
And I knew what my heart was gonna lose
I have no right to love you
But I do, I still do
Yeah, I still do
Night falls, I'm wide awake
Wishing I could call you
I'm too used to hearing all about your day
The cold creeps up next to me
Now we don't share these covers
But I've no license to complain
'Cause I have no right to love you
When I chose to walk away
I have no right to miss you
When I didn't wanna stay
And I have no right to need you
And I knew what my heart was gonna lose
I have no right to love you
But I do, I still do
You know I care, but I can't be there
To make this unmade bed of roses
And you deserve to be put first
I had to let you go
'Cause I have no right to love you
When I chose to walk away
I have no right to miss you
When I didn't wanna stay
And I have no right to need you
And I knew what my heart was gonna lose
To ask if you're okay
When I left you so confused
I have no right to love you
I have no right, oh
I have no right to love you
But I still do
Yeah, I still do, woah
I still do

When I stop someone says "I didn't know you played the guitar?" I turn around and see Amber stood there looking at me with a smile. "Sorry. Did I wake you up?"

"No. I couldn't sleep before that and I heard you and cane to see who it was. Your good." She says walking over and sitting next to me.


"How come I never New you played?"

"Uh. I don't really play in front of people I only really play in front of my mom a few close friends and my dad seen me a few times. Oh and Juliet."

"Who's Juliet? Is that your girlfriend?" She says in a joking tone

"No. She's my sister I don't have a girlfriend. I never have actually." I say the last part quietly because I was slightly embarrassed

"Don't be embarrassed Ryden. I've never dated anyone either." She says smiling at me then a nurse came in "could you two please return to your rooms?" "Ye. Sorry." We both stand up and walk to our rooms and we say bye before walking into my room and she walks into hers. I flop onto my bed and take my beanie,shirt and hoodie of and get back into bed.

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