Chapter 50

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Jughead POV

Me and Betty where sat in Rydens hospital room and we where waiting for him to wake up. We where sat on the chairs next to his bed when his phone vibrated I look down at it and saw Amber was calling him I put it on silence and then Ryden woke up.

"Hey Ryden." I said

"How you doing?" Betty said

"Sore. And my throat kind of hurts because it's dry. Can you get me some water please." I stood up and poured him a cup of water from the jug in his room and handed it to him.


"So you and Amber are back together?"

"How did you know? Did Blue talk to you?"

"Blue knows?"

"He uh may have seen us kissing but I'm not sure?" He said taking his oxygen mask of and taking a drink

"No he didn't she text and called."

"Did you talk to her?"


"Could you past me my phone please." He said putting his oxygen mask back on and I handed him his phone.

Then before he could do anything his doctor walked in.

"Hey Ryden How you feeling?"


"Ok. So tee need to discuss possible treatments if that's ok."

"Ye sure."

"So your late stage 2 and it's kind of in a difficulty place and it's inoperable so that means we can try chemo therapy and radiation to try and treat your cancer. Now you 16 which means it's not really your decision but you should still talk it threw with your parents."

"It's up to you Ryden if you want to try chemo and radiation we can."

"It's up to you Ryden. Do you want to try?"

"Ye. I want to try."

"Ok. We can start your first lot of chemo in a few hours if you want to?"


"Ok. There's a few thing you need to know first some side affects like hair loss, weakness, vomiting and you may lose weight and your muscles will weaken."


Me and Betty sighed a few things do they could start him on his treatment.

Ryden POV

My mom and dad went to sign some stuff and I decided I text Amber.

Rye🍕: Hey. Xx

Am🧡: Hey. Do you want to hang out later? Xx

Rye🍕: I can't I'm in the hospital. Xx

Am🧡: What! Are you ok? Xx

Rye🍕: Not really can you come to the hospital? Xx

Am🧡: Ye sure I'm on my way. Xx

Rye🍕: Room 256 second floor. Xx

I put my phone down and lay back in my bed and closed my eyes. I must have drifted of to sleep because the next thing I knew was my dad was shaking me awake. I woke up and looked at him.

"Mmm." I groaned and I rubbed my eyes

"Ambers outside me and your mom are going to go get some food from the canteen well be back in a couple minutes ok?"

"Dad you can stay longer nothings going to happen I'll be fine. You and mom go eat your lunch in the canteen take as long as you want."

"Ok." He said smiling and walking out a few seconds later Amber walked in and walked straight over to my bed and hugged me

"Are you ok?"


"What happened?"

"I have late stage 2 thyroid cancer."

"Are you.....can they....I'm so sorry Ryden." She said softly and she started to cry and I pulled her into a tight hug

"It's ok. Its going to be ok." I said as I stroked her hair trying to calm her down.

"I'm sorry Ryden your the one who's sick and your the one comforting me this should be the other way round."

"Don't worry it's fine."

"What can they do about the cancer?" She said pulling away a little and looking at me

"I start chemo in a couple hours and I start radiation tomorrow."

"Ok. Can I stay with you for a little while?"

"Ye of course." I say leaning down to kiss her but she stops me and laughed a little

"I can kiss you with this on you idiot." She said chuckling and moving the oxygen mask of my face and I just smirked at her "it's not nice to call people idiots." I said jokingly

"Shut up." She said and i kisses her passionately we sat there making out for a little while before we both pull away and I was breathing pretty heavily and Amber picked up the oxygen mask and held it on my face for me why I took some deep breaths

"I love you."

"I love you too Ryden and I'll be here no matter what."

"Ok." I said placing my hand on her hand that was holding the oxygen mask on my face and I moved it of with the oxygen mask and I kissed her softly before putting the oxygen mask back on my face and laying down on my side. Amber kicked of her shoes and jacket and lay next to on her side so she was facing me and I pulled her to my chest and I ran my hand up and down her arm and she snuggled into my chest. We lay there on my hospital bed with her snuggled into my chest.

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