Chapter 54

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Ryden POV

It's Christmas Eve. I was laying on my bed watching Tv I had a pair of sweatpants a tshirt on a hoodie on and obviously my oxygen tube in my nose. Then my dad walked in and sat in my bed in front of me and I paused my show and looked at him.

"Hey dad what's up?"

"Just checking in. Are you Ok?"

"I'm good actually I feel a lot better."

"That's good I was just going to see if you wanted to invite Amber wanted to stay with us tonight and she can spend Christmas with us."

"Ye that would be good. I uh have to take Amber to get her Christmas present at 1pm so as long as we can make it there in time."

"Ye that will be fine. Ok I'll leave you to watch your TV in peace." He said getting up

"Oh uh dad?" I said and he turned around


"I have chemo in like an hour can you drive me?"

"Ye sure I was going to drive you anyway."

"Ok. Thanks." I said and he walked out and shut the door.

About an hour later I was sat in a comfortable red chair in the hospital with the drip in my arm that was putting the chemo into me there was 2 other people in the room one of them was an older woman that I recognised from somewhere I just couldn't place her and the other one that must have been in his twenty's. We sat there in silence till the woman spoke.

"So what's your name kid?" The woman said

"Ryden Jones."

"How old are you Ryden?" The younger one said

"16. Who are you two?"

"I'm Jaxon Graham and I'm 23."

"I'm Gladys Wilson and I'm 56."

"Do you have and siblings Ryden?"

"Ye. I have a younger brother and sister Blue and Juliet there twins." I looked over at Gladys and her face kind of changed like she'd realised something then noticed me looking at her and she smiled softly.

"So you have a lot of support then. Do you usually come here alone?"

"This is only my second lot of chemo for the first one my Girlfriend came with me and she sat with me she's actually supposed to be here in a minute."

"That's nice." Gladys said smiling

"Sorry if I'm being really nosey or anything you don't have to answer any of these questions if you don't want to."

"No it's fine it's better then sitting in awkward silence the entire time."

"Ok. What kind of cancer do you have?"

"Thyroid stage 2. Well late stage 2."

"I have testicular."

"I have breast cancer I've had it for along time now Well this is my second time with it. It went the first time and then a couple months ago it came back."

Then Amber walked into the room and she walked over to me with a smile on her face.


"Hi." She said walking over to me and giving me a soft kiss on the lips. I moved up a bit so she could sit on the chair with me and she sat down next to me and I put my arm around her. Then she said "Have you eaten?"

"Ye I had cereal for breakfast and my dad made me eat a protein bar before I came here."

"Ok." She said kissing me softly again

"Jaxon Gladys this is my girlfriend Amber. Amber this is Gladys and Jaxon." I said gesturing to them

"Nice to meet you both."

"Nice to meet you to."

"Nice to meet you as well."

I sat there holding Ambers hand and just generally talking then why Gladys and Jaxon were talking I turned to Amber and said "My parents wanted to know if you wanted to stay with us tonight. I know it's Christmas Eve and everything and you don't have to if you don't want to I kind of just think they need you to watch me why they go and work with Blue and Juliet."

"Of course I'll stay with you. I don't mind watching you it's more just watching movies and eating food and snuggling on the couch." She said smiling at me and I kissed her softly I lay back and started closed my eyes I still had a few hours left on my chemo so I started to fall asleep.

Amber POV

I was sat next to Ryden and he fell asleep in the chair so I kissed him softly and took his oxygen tube off of his nose. I placed my hand on his cheek and caressed it softly for a couple seconds before putting his oxygen mask on and I stood up and got the blanket from the back of the chair and covered him then sat on the chair next to him.

"Your good at looking after him." Gladys said with a smile

"It's not hard really. I just have to make sure he has his oxygen mask on not his nose tube when he's asleep make sure her covered so he doesn't get cold make sure he eats and drinks and make sure he keeps his oxygen on all the time.

"He doesn't keep his oxygen on all the time?"

"No. Well they estimated he could last about 30ish minutes without it. The other day he put all his stuff like oxygen tanks, his tube, his mask and stuff and he locked his door and lay on his bed till it was over so I had to climb threw his window and hold the oxygen mask on his face till he let it stay on."

"That's awful."

"Why'd he do that?"

"His parents are having trouble paying for his treatment there insurance doesn't cover it all so there struggling a bit because they own a bar and have to pay for that so there twins have to help out at the bar and his mom and dad have to do extra shifts. Which means I have to make sure Rydens ok."

"That's a lot to have to do you only what 16?"

"Ye. We've been threw a lot together and he's always helped me threw everything even when I pushed him away he wanted to be there so I'm not going to give up on him because he never gave up on me." I said looking down at him and he started to move around a bit and started muttering "Amber no. Stay with me hold on." I placed my hand on his cheek and caressed it "Rye I'm here I'm here calm down. It's ok." I said softly and he opens his eyes and looked at me and smiled softly "I love you." He said softly and closed his eyes again I leaned down and moved his oxygen mask and kissed him softly before putting his mask back on and resting my forehead on his "I love you too." I said caressing his cheek till he fell back asleep with a small smile on his face.

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