Chapter 9

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Ryden POV

(Just saying there is a self harm trigger)

I was walking. I don't know where I was going I was just walking. I ended up walking to Central Park I sat on a bench and just sat there thinking about what I was going to do. I was sat there for a while until my phone pinged I figure it was my mom or my dad or someone telling me to go home or asking where I was I figured I might as well check to see who it was and I was from a unknown number I open the message and see a video I click on it and watch it. The video started of black then my dads office at the bar appeared he was sat on his desk chair and then Toni walks in with my mom she looks different I look in the corner and see the date 2002? I wasn't even born yet why was this video sent to me? I continued watching "someone's here to see you boss" Toni says and then she leaves

"Hey. What's up? What you doing hear." My dad says

"I need to tell you something." My mom says

"Sure whats up?"

"I'm......I'm um pregnant."

"Are you sure it's mine?"

"Well yes. That is why I'm here."

"Are..... are you keeping it?"


"Well I don't want anything to do with it. It's better if I'm not apart of its life. And more importantly I don't WANT to be apart of its life!"

"Fine if that's how you feel then that's on you but I just thought you deserved to know. Because it takes two to make a baby Jug!"

"Well that's your mistake I don't want to know! And you know why? Because you Betty are no more then a meaningless one night stand!!" He shouts then my mom runs out crying then the video ends.

I can't believe it if this was 17 is years ago minuses 9 months that's me there talking about. My dad. My own Farther did want me. Is that why he likes the twins more? Because they where planed and I wasn't? I was a unwanted mistake. Now they don't want me again my life has gone full circle not being wanted at the start and you know what I can't take the worlds shit anymore. I'm done with family shit. School shit. Serpent shit. And most importantly my dads shit. He clearly has never wanted me and I don't think my mom wants me now I'm a failure at the beginning when I was a younger but I think that's changed now. I begin to sob uncontrollably after a while I calm down then I stand up and walk to the Whyte Wyrm and get the spare key for the apartment and walk upstairs and unlock the door. I walk in and get a pen and paper I sit on the couch I cry a little more and pore my hart out into the letter still crying slightly then when I'm done I set it down on the table and take off my beanie and place it next to the letter and throw my jacket to the side then I get a box cutter out of the kitchen draw and walk into the bathroom and turn the bath on. After about 10 minutes climbed into the almost full bath not bothering to take of my jeans or tshirt or socks I sit there for a minute why the water sits just at top of the bath. Then I take the razor out off the boxcutter and place it on my arm I push the blade into my vain and pull it across I do as many cuts as possible on both arms then just wait for the pain to be over.

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