Chapter 41

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Ryden POV

I woke up to Amber gone I look around my room and saw her dressed and she was pulling down her t-shirt I sat up and felt a burning pain along the left side I winced and placed my hand on it I looked down and saw my whole abdomen was still all bruised I looked back at Amber who gave me a concerned look and walked over to me and sat next to me facing me and placed her hand on my cheek and caressed it with her thumb.

"You ok?"

"Ye. I'm fine don't worry." I said giving her a soft kiss on the lips

"I have to go home." She said standing up I stood up and walked to my draw and pulled out a clean pair of boxers and I picked up my sweatpants from the floor and put them on. I walked back over to Amber and wrapped my arms around her and we just stood there in each other's embrace for a couple seconds before one of us spoke "Are you coming to the basketball game later?"

"Ye. Pretty much the whole school is. I would love to stay but I have to go before my parents kill me."

"Ok. I'll have to sneak you out the front door. But first of where sneaking you out I won't have time to do this later." I said smacking my lips into hers and kissing her passionately we both pulled away for air. Then I grabbed her hand and pulled her gently down the stairs I peaked round the corner and saw my mom and dad in the kitchen and Blue and Juliet sat on the island of the kitchen still holding Ambers hand i ran to the front door and opened it Amber quietly walked out then stoped at the door I gave her a peak on the lips and she walked down the path and I shut the door and walked into the kitchen.

As I walked in the kitchen i went to the sink and got a drink of water I heard my mom gasp and my dad choke on his coffee. I turned around and looked at them I took a sip of my water then said "what?"

"What? Ryden have you seen your body?" My mom said

I looked down and saw all the bruises all over me I looked back up and shrugged.

"What happend?" My dad said

"Ambers dad. I went round to give Amber her history homework for over the holidays. So after practice I went over and gave her her homework and her dad came out and well he pushed me on the floor climbed on top of me punched me repeatedly in the face then he got off kicked me several times in the stomach and chest before dragging Amber into the house the hole time she was screaming and crying trying to get him to get off me and she did try pulling him off me but he was to strong. I think it's to say he doesn't like me."

"Ryden a grown man did that to you?!" My dad says putting his coffee down on the side

"Ye because of the hole thing where I got Amber pregnant and with her losing the baby. I think he blames me for it."

"Ryden you know you had no control over any of that right?" My mom said

"Ye I know. Anyway you guys coming to the basketball game later?"

They all said they where going so I ate my breakfast and went upstairs and had a shower when I came out I got changed and fixed my beanie on my head before walking down stairs. I got into the car and we all went to school where the basketball game was going to be my mom dad and the twins went and sat on the bleachers and I went to the locker rooms when I was getting changed I felt the same burning pain in my left side again but I just ignored it and continued getting changed. When I was done I walked out into the court with my team and the game started.

It was the last minute and I shot the last and got it straight in the buzzer sounded and we won everyone started cheering. I walked to the side and felt the burning pain again but this time it was 100 times worse and all over my chest and stomach I couldn't take the pain and I fell to the floor and everything went blurry and I could only hear and it was really muffled then everything went black.

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