Chapter 35

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Jughead POV

I drove as fast as I could to the Brooklyn bridge when I got there there where police everywhere and a ambulance. I got off my bike and walked as close as I could before a police officer stoped me.

"Sir you can't go any further."

"I'm his dad let me threw!"

"Sir can you positively ID that person on the bridge."

"Forsythe Pendleton Jones The Fourth."

He stood aside and let me threw I walked threw and to where Ryden was sat. He was sat over the rail on a petal bar dangling his legs over the side looking into the water. I approached him slowly trying not to startle him.

"Ryden?" I said softly he turned around and saw him with tears in his eyes and tears stained his face he looked.......broken.

"Ryden come to me." I said putting my hand out for him to take it he just turned around and looked back at the water.

"Ryden please."


"Because your my son and I love you and I want you to be ok. So please come to me." I say still with my hand out

"No. I ruin everything. I ruined mom's life I ruined your life I ruined Ambers life and I'm going to ruin this baby's life I'm going to end it now and save this baby all the pain and emotional trauma."

"Ryden don't think like that."

"Like what? Realistically? There's no point in pretending. Did you read the note?"

"No. As soon as I found it I tried looking for you. Ryden I know it seems hard but I promise it gets better."

"Hopefully you get some closure from the letter. And don't tell me it gets better either because I know it doesn't."

"Ryden it dose it did with me and your mom so you and Amber will be ok you just have to get through it."

"I remember when I was 5 you and mom got into a argument and she made you leave. It was the night you got shot. I was upstairs I thought it was about me but it wasn't. You called us mistakes. Didn't you?" He said looking back at me


"Don't give me any bullshit did you call us mistakes? Yes or no?"

"Yes." I said quietly

So there you go. You can't say I didn't ruin your life mistakes ruin your life so there I did."

"Ryden don't. You weren't a mistake and if you where your the best dam mistake I ever made."

"Dad. Im not ready to be a dad. Your an amazing dad. I've always wanted a life like yours. You and mom always seemed love. Happy. Like you to could take on the world together like nothing could tear you guys apart but that's not true is it? Jamie nearly teared you apart."

"Ryden Jamie did tear us apart but then it brought us closer. Ryden being a dad scare you?"

"No. It terrifies me. I'm still a kid myself and now I'm supposed to look after this little human being that's part me."

"Ryden it scared me to. Being a dad for the first time but it's going to be ok. I promise."

"Dad?" He said softly and he looked up at me.

"Ye Rye?"

"Can you help me. I can't do this on my own. I'm trying I am but I know it might seem weak but I need you to help me." He said looking into my eyes as fresh tears forming in his eyes

"I'll help you Ryden always. But you need to come to me." I said putting my hand out he slowly stood up and took my hand and climbed over the rail and I pulled him into a tight hug why he cried into my shoulder. "I got you Rye. I got you." I said trying to calm him down.

Once he was slightly calmed down I spoke to him "Ryden I'll help you know matter what ok? I'll give you a job at the bar and me and your mom will help with anything in anyway we can. So don't get stressed and feel like you need to take everything on your own well always be here you just need to talk to us."

"Ok. Thanks dad." He said hugging me after a while the paramedics checked him over then we walked home and I got one of the serpents to take my bike in the back of there trucks. Me and Ryden walked and talked and got some burgers and talked threw a few things before going home and talking to Betty before we all went to bed.

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