Chapter 24

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Ryden POV

Amber gave me my serpent jacket back as we left history. I put my jacket on and held Ambers hand and walked towards where the locker rooms are because we both had gym next. We stoped just near the changing rooms next to a wall so we weren't stoping anyone walking in the hall. I kiss her softly and then say bye and we both walk into the opposite changing rooms.

I got changed into the dark blue shorts and grey tshirt with our schools name on it. I don't know why I even bother with putting my shirt in in the first place when I end up taking it off anyway. I think the only down side is I end up with a lot of the girls starting at me because the girls and boys have to do gym together in the gym.

I walked out of the changing rooms into the gym with Alex and Crash. I haven't seen Callum and Jeff yet so I have no idea where they are. Alex and Crash kept asking me questions about my tattoo like did it hurt? How long did it take? I answers there question and then as we walked into the gym couch Lynch had set up stuff like sit-ups, pull-ups, rope climbing, shuttle run, running, pushups and a bunch of other stuff for everyone to do. Great she can never make it easy can she?

I started withe rope climbing because that's always quick. I climbed the rope no problem and why I was up there I looked around and saw Callum found sit-ups why Jeff was holding his feet. I climbed down the rope and walked over to where they where and taped Jeff on the shoulder and he jumped.

"Jesus Ryden don't sneak up on someone like that." He says breathing heavily and Callum was just doing sit ups and laughing an I laughed with him "so what brings you over to us?" Callum says still doing sit-ups. "You guys wanted to see my tattoo." I say laughing they both stand up and look at my tattoo "this is amazing." Callum says "did it hurt?" Jeff says "not really." Then the couch blows her whistle "Jones! Shuttle run now!" "See you later guys." I say running over to the shuttle run and running.

After Gym we had to shower so I had the worlds quickest shower in the world and then got changed and made sure my beanie was on probably. Then I left for my next lesson.

The bell went for lunch and I left my lesson for lunch. I was looking round for Amber because I haven't seen her since the beginning of gym. As I walked threw the empty corridors I saw her at her locker putting books away. I walked over and leaned on the locker next to hers and say "Fo you want to come to mine after school so we can hangout or something?"

"Ye sure that sounds fun." She says smiling at me. She shuts her locker and I pull her to me and give her a long passionate kiss which ends up turning into a slight make out session until I hear Callum say "Ryden will you and Amber please stop making out it's lunch time." He says with a slight chuckle I pull away from Amber and give her a smile and then peak her on the lips and held her hand before walking with her and Callum to lunch.

I had biology last so I sat next to Amber and Alex, Sam where behind us and Crash was on the table next to us on the end. It was near the end when someone threw a ball of paper onto Ambers book in front of her. She picked it up and opened it up I saw her read over it then shove the note in her bag. "What did it say?" I whispered "nothing." She says with a weak smile. I could tell she was lying but I didn't want to argue with her right here so I decided to ask her later. The bell rang and I said bye to everyone and walked home holding Ambers hand. She was quite on the way to mine and didn't really look happy. When we got to my house I walked in still holding Ambers hand. Know one was home yet so I told Amber to wait in the living room. I ran upstairs and grabbed my guitar then ran down the stairs and Amber was still stood where I lefter her. We walked out into the back and I walked up into the tree house with Amber following me.

Once she peaked her head in she said "wow. It's nice in here." She climbed all the was in and sat in one of the beanbags and I sat on the other opposite her.

"What's wrong?"


"Amber something has clearly upset you. What is it?"

"Ryden it's nothing don't worry."

"Fine. What did the note say?"

"It doesn't matter it was true anyway." She says looking down with and twiddling with the sleeves of her jumper.

"Please Amber. Tell me what it said." I say getting of the beanbag and kneeling down in front of her and taking her hands. She looked up at me then pulled her hand away and got the pice of paper out of her bag and handed it to me I unfolded it and read it it said.

Amber. Ryden is only dating you because he feels sorry for you. Because who would date someone ugly like you.

I balled up the note and threw it on the floor and let put a sigh and then took Ambers hands agin.

"Amber non of that is true."

"No it's fine you don't have to lie. I knew this was to good to be true.....I'm going to go." She says standing up and starting to walk to the hatch but I pull her to me so she was on my lap as I fell sitting on the beanbag.

"Amber please don't go. I care about you. And I'm not with you because I feel sort for you at all. I'm with you because despite being a little broken you're still smart, funny, caring, beautiful. So don't listen to what anyone else says because you know and I know why I'm with you and that's all that matters." I say smiling at her and she smiles back. I give her a soft kiss on the lips before pulling her into a tight hug as she hugs me back and nuzzles her face into my chest.

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