Chapter 37

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Ryden POV

It's been a week since me and Amber broke up and we lost the baby. I've tried moving in from Amber but I can't it's impossible. I've tried talking to her but she just ignores me and see won't even look at me or in my direction. It was the end of school and instead of going home me and Crash went to the school gym we got changed into our gym kit and go a basketball out of the storage room and started playing agains each other. I won.

After we where done Crash had to go home so he left straight away so I had a quick shower and got changed. I was walking down the halls and I saw Amber at her locker. I forgot she had her debate team on Thursdays after school. I decided to go and talk to her. I walked over to her and leaned on the locker next to hers she locked up at me and shut her locker and started walking away but I gently grabbed her arm and she turned around.

"Please stop ignoring me." She just looked at me "Amber if your going to ignore me at least tell me what I've done." I pleaded but she just looked at me "Amber I lost the baby to and I know it's horrible but not only did I lose the baby I lost you and I don't even know why. Just please tell me."

"You want to know Ryden? You really want to know?" She said and I saw tears start to form in her eyes I nod slowly and she continued. "You. I can't look a you or think about you or have anything that reminds me of you. Because every time it just hurts. We lost OUR baby Ryden and every time I see you it makes me think if we had a boy would he look like you? Would he even be anything like you? What if it was a girl would she be a little daddy's girl and love you the way I do. Then I imagine you running round after him or her and them laughing. Ryden I really wanted this baby and I love you but it hurts. It hurts Ryden. It hurts so much." She says starting to cry an without hesitation I pull her into a hug and let her cry into my chest.

"I know Amber I know it hurts." I say stroking her hair after a little while I pulled away a little.

"Take me back. And I promise I'll try and make it as painless as possible I promise and maybe when we're a little older we could try again maybe we could have another baby maybe we could start a family when we're older and ready."

"Ryden I love you I do but.....I can't take you back at least not yet I need a little more time." She says pulling completely away from me

"I'll wait Am. For as long as it takes. I'll wait till your ready and I'll wait till where both old and grey and you decide your ready if that's as long as it's going to take I'll take you back in a heartbeat. I love you Am I always and forever." I said placing my hand on her cheek and giving her a soft lingering kiss on the lips before pulling back and walking away out of the doors of school and back home. When I got home I saw my mom and dad snuggled on the couch I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a soda from the fridge in and sat on armchair in the living room.

"You ok Ryden?" My mom said

"Ye I'm good. I spoke to Amber she's.....stressed to say the least but we talked and I'm going to wait till she's ready." I said taking a drink from my soda

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