Chapter 4

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Ryden POV

It was lunch time and I had just walked cafeteria a little later then usual. I was about 6 feet from the table when someone shoved me I didn't fall but I swiftly turn around and see the same Ghoulie from yesterday I push him onto the floor

"What the fuck is your problem!"

"You and your dad are my problem!" He shouts standing up and standing in front of me

"What dose my dad have to do with this? Or me for that matter?!"

"Your mom like that picture Ryden?" He says with a smug face I curled my hands into fist ready to punch him.

"Your the one who gave it to her? Why?!"

"Because your dad doesn't deserve anything! He isn't the rightful leader of the serpents My dad is! And I should be the next in line not you!!!"

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Me? I'm Adam Jones and my dad is Josh Jones."

"Just Because your names Jones you think you have some calm to the serpents?"

"I'm sure you'll find out soon enough Ryden. You and your slut of a mom should just pack up and move why you still can" I punch him in the face and he stumbled back and he goes to punch me but I duck and punch him again then he punched me in the stomach then the face making me split my lip open then I punch him one more time making him fall to the floor he stands up and I go to punch him again and then a teachers grabs me and pulls me away from the crowd and away from Adam.

"Principals office now!" He says letting me go in the corridor

I walk there and I get a 2 day suspension and my mom had to come and pick me up.

When my mom picked me up we walked to the car in silence we where about 5 minutes away from home when she spoke

"What happened Ryden?" I look at her and say

"Just a Ghoulie being a idiot. He doesn't matter." I say looking back out the window

"Ryden tell me." I still ignore her "Ryden just tell me." I still ignore her then she says "Forsythe Pendleton Jones The Forth what did he say." I look at her and then look down at my lap I put my hands on my knees and squeeze them

"He called you a slut." I say quietly

"Oh Ryden." She says as she pulls into the drive I get out the car and walk in the house with my mom following me she shuts the door and as I go to walk up the stairs she grabs my arm and turns me around to face her and she pulls me into a hug.

"You don't need to worry about me. Just don't get into anymore fights again. Ok?" She says pulling away.

"Ok. I've got a headache I'm going to go lay down."I say walking upstairs I didn't have a headache I just know if I say that nobody will bother me.

I go up stairs and lock my door then lay on my bed. Who the hell is Josh and who is Alex? I get up off my bed and walk over to my window and climbing I climbed onto the tree outside of my window and then climb down to the floor. I decided to ask my dad maybe he will know. I walk to the bar. I walk in and behind the bar Cheryl and Toni let me because they know who I am. I walk up the stairs to my dads old apartment I was about to knock on the door when I reach for the handle and open it because the doors unlocked.

As I push the door open the smell of cigarettes fills my nose I enter the apartment and see it's dark because all the blinds are shut there wasn't much furniture there was a couch a arm chair and lamps a few book shelves with books on and a few lamps and old pictures there where a few box's because we use hear as a kind of storage place. I walk over to the couch and see my dad asleep on it there where about 7 empty bottles of beer and a few cigarette packets and a full ashtray on the coffee table he always smokes but it increase when he's stressed and stuff. I shake my dad until he groans and I sit on the arm chair he rubs his eyes and looks at me.

"Ryden? What are you doing hear?" He says in a sleepy voice

"I need to talk to you."

"What time is it?" He says picking up a packet of cigarettes and pulling out one and putting it in his mouth he looks around for a lighter and then I pull out my gold zippo lighter from the inside pocket of my leather jacket he bought if for me last year for Christmas it has F.P.J IV on the bottom of it I light his cigarette for him and say "1:32"

"Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

"Yes but I got into a fight and mom had to pick he up."

"Why'd you get into a fight?"

"Someone called mom a slut and I just lost it."

"Who. I will beat there dads ass!"

"That's why I'm here. Who's Josh Jones?"

As soon as I said that his face dropped and he takes a long drag of his cigarette before saying.

"Where did you hear that name."

"Adam.The Ghoulie I got into a fight with he asked if mom liked the picture and that you decided nothing and me and mom should just leave now."

He sighed and said "Josh is my twin brother. He had a son the same time me and your mom had you and I was going to kill him but couldn't come to getting rid of a kids father so I just banished him and got Blade to drive him somewhere. I guess he's back."

"Why'd you cheat on mom?" I say remembering why he's staying hear.

"I didn't I was with Sweet-Pea all night. And I tried calling him but he must of passed out. Ryden I love your mom I would never do that to her she's so amazing. Ryden i can't look at another girl the way I look at our mother. without her I'm lost."

"Then why are you still here and why don't you just go talk to her?"

"I don't know. She said she needed space but I just want her back. Ryden I need her back."

"I have a idea."

"I'm all ears."

To be continued......

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