Chapter 48

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Ryden POV

I walked upstairs after showing my mom my scar and I knocked on Blues door and he told me to come in.

"Hey Blue about this morning...."

"Who was it?"

"Who was who ?"

"The person you where having sex with?"

"I wasn't having sex. We where about to. But that's not the point. You saw nothing ok?"

"Fine but it will cost you."

"How much?"



"20 is my final offer."

"Fine come with me." I say turning round and walking to my room with Blue following me I walked into my room and grabbed my jacket and got my wallet out my pocket and getting $20 bucks out and hanging it to him.

"Thanks also you might want to clean that up." He said pointing to the floor near my bed I turn and saw condoms and packets on the floor near the bin.

"Just get out and not a word to mom or dad." I said as he walked out I tidied up my room.

Juliet POV

Me my dad, mom, Blue and Ryden where all sat in the living room watching a Christmas film then my dad got up to get more popcorn and my mom went to go get some more soda so we paused the film and me Ryden and Blue started talking then Rydens breath started to become heavy.

"Ryden? Are you ok?" I ask placing my hand on his shoulder

"No....get mom......and dad." He said gasping for breath

"Blue. Get mom and dad now!" I said and he ran into the kitchen to get them why I stayed with Ryden and tried to calm him down because I could see he was starting to panic and I rubbed his back.

"Ryden try breath ok. Come on in and out." Then my mom and dad ran in

"What happened?!" My dad said frantically running to Ryden

"He just started breathing heavily and I don't know what to do." Then Ryden started to cough and water started to come out

"Shit. Betty get the car." He said and my mom ran out to the car and so did Blue my dad picked up Ryden kind of bridal style and ran him out the door with me following. We all got in the car and my dad drove as fast as he could to the hospital.

Jughead POV

When we took Ryden to the hospital they rushed him into the operating room and we all had to wait in the waiting room. I was pacing up and down the Betty grabbed you hand.

"Jug sit down. Your kind of freaking me and the kids out." I looked at the kids and they already looked worried

"Sorry." I said sitting down next to Betty and taking her hand and holding it and intertwined our fingers I pulled our intertwined hand up to my moth and kissed the back of her hand gently I put my other arm around Juliet and she placed her head on my side.

A few hours later Blue has his head on Betty's lap and she was running her fingers threw his hair and Betty had her head resting on my shoulder and I had Juliet's head on my lap and I ran my hand up and down her shoulder why my other hand held Betty's. Then a doctor came out and we all stood up. The doctor walked over to us.

"Are you all here for Ryden Jones?" She said


"I'm so sorry but........"

To be continued.......

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