Chapter 12

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Ryden POV

I was in a hospital room I look around and see my dad sat in the chair next to me he was slumped in the chair asleep he still had the same bloodied cloths on.I look at the clock on the wall 11:23pm it's late. I had a tube in my mouth so all I could do was grunt in pain from my arms and then my dads eyes open.

"Ryden? Ryden!" He say standing up and looking at me.

"Can you hear me?" He asks and I just nod. "I'm going to go get a nurse. I'll be back in a minute"He says kissing me on the head and walking out of the room into the corridor. About a minute later my mom walks in with two coffees she looks tired she walks in and didn't notice me and she set the coffees on the side and went to sit down when she looked at me. "Ryden? Ryden!" She says standing next to me and brushes the hair out of my face and smiles. She sits on the side of my bed next to my legs and holds my hand.

"I'm sorry Ryden. I'm sorry you didn't feel loved. I'm so sorry I pushed you" I shake my head and grunt trying to get her to stop. She stops and squeezes my hand then my dad walks in with 2 nurses. They walk over to my bed and my mom gets off and stands next to my dad and holds his hand.

"Hey Ryden. Can you hear me?" One of the nurses asks. Why is everyone asking me that? I nod and she sits the bed up. "Ok so we're going to take this tube out now. Ok?" The other nurse says i nod my head and they start to slowly pull the tube out off my throat. The best way to describe it is when your hole body tenses when your being sick. I start to cough and then the tube is out. They put a oxygen mask on my face and check the IVs and then leave I'm kind of tired my mom and dad sit on the chair next to each other next to my bed.

"Hi." I say weekly but with a smile

"Hey Ryden. How you feeling?" My dad asks


"We're sorry Ryden." My mom says

"It's not your fault."

We sit there in silence until I say "Jamie's amazing" as soon I said Jamie my mom and dad look up at me confused.

Jughead POV

As soon as Ryden said Jamie I was shocked. We've never spoken to the kids about Jamie. They've questioned my tattoo that says Jamie but I just ignore the question or say 'I will tell you on day.'

"What are you talking about Ryden?" I say looking at him confused

"Jamie. My little brother HE'S amazing."

"Jamie? How did you? He's a boy?" Betty says with tears of joy in her eyes she finally got answers about Jamie.

"He said he loves you guys and he's always watching over all of us." I couldn't help but cry I pull Betty into a tight hug as she cry's into my chest they where tears of joy. "How did you meet him Rye he's..." I couldn't finish my sentence

"I know. I was dead. Well not dead clinically dead that's what Jay said. He showed me that night and after you two had the argument at the bar. I'm sorry for trying to...."

"No Ryden. Don't be sorry just talk to us if you ever feel like this again."

He nods and says "I'm going to have a nap I'm super tired." He says closing his eyes.

"Night Ryden."

"Sweet dreams Ryden."

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