Chapter 53

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Ryden POV

I woke up and looked around and couldn't see Amber I got up and got changed into a pair of sweatpants and a tshirt then put a zip up hoodie on. I put my oxygen pipe back on that went in my nose and over my ears. I made my bed and sat on it and placed my oxygen tank in my back pack on the headboard post of my bed and lay down on it then turned on my TV and started to look threw Netflix and look for something to watch then my door opened and Amber walked in with two glasses of water.

"Amber hey I thought you left." I said sitting up properly and she sat next to me on the bed

"No I just went to get us some water." She said hanging me a glass and placing the other on the nightstand next to her. I took a drink of my water then placed it in my nightstand next to me I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her to my side.

"What we doing?"

"It depends when do you have to go home?"

"Tomorrow. Your parents asked me if I wanted to stay and I said yes. If you don't want me to then I don't have to."

"Of course I want my girlfriend to stay. Let's watch a movie."

"Sure." She said snuggling into my side I clicked on The Goonies and we started watching it.

After the film it was kind of late. "Do you want to get ready for bed?"

"I don't have anything I can change into so I'm good."

"I can help." I said standing up and grabbing my backpack of the post of my bed and walked over to my draw and pulled out one of my tshirt I then walked back over to the bed and handed Amber the tshirt and put my oxygen back pack on my bed post.

"Thanks." She said kissing me softly and got up and walked into the bathroom. I stood up and took my hoodie and shirt off and fixed my oxygen pipe before sitting back down. Then Amber came out a little later in my oversized tshirt and she sat next to me.

When she at down I saw her bare upper thigh and I groaned and said "Do you have anything on under that shirt?" She leaned in and whispered in my ear "No. it's just the shirt." She pulled away and bite her bottom lip and I felt my pants tighten. "You can't do that to me I really want to climb on top of you right now but I don't have enough muscle mass or energy to do that." I said looking into her eyes and giving her a slight smile.

"Let me do all the work then." She said straddling me and started to kiss me and I kissed back "mmm. Amber what about my parents?"

"I locked the door and if were quiet they won't know." She said and I started to kiss her again.

She reached down and pulled my hard member out of my pants and my boxers. I reached into my night stand and went to pull out a condom but I couldn't find one I pulled away from Amber and looked into the draw and the box was empty.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath

"What?" Amber said concerned

"I don't have a condom we've used them all." I said looking at her

"It's fine I don't care right now we're doing this." She said kissing me again

"Amber are you sure?"



"There's a practically naked girl straddling you telling you she wants to have sex with you what's the problem?"

"You know what. Nothing let's do this."

I said and she smiled and kissed me again I lined myself up and thrusted up into her as she rolled her hips then I stayed still why Amber went up and down on me and I slid my hands under the tshirt she was wearing and I massage her breasts as she moaned into my mouth.

After a couple seconds she tightened around me and I came inside her as she moaned and I groaned. I pulled out and Amber lay next to me I tucked myself back into my pants and my boxers. I lay down and pulled the covers over me and Amber and Amber lay in my bicep then she got up and unlocked the door and lay back down on my bicep and I just smirked at her.

"So they don't get suspicious." She said and she gave me a peak on the lips I closed my eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep. I while later I woke up but kept my eyes closed and I felt Amber take of my oxygen tube and and she gave me a soft kiss on my lips then she put my oxygen mask on my face and putting the elastic band on the back of my head to keep it on then she snuggled into my chest and I pulled her close.

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