Chapter 39

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Ryden POV ~ Friday the same day as the last chapter

I had history last so after history the bell went so I got up to leave when my history teacher stopped me.

"Ryden this is our last history lesson. So I need you to give your Christmas homework to Amber because she wasn't in today. It needs to be in when we come back." He said handing me a booklet we finish school today for the Christmas holidays so I couldn't say no. I put the booklet in my bag and went to basketball practice after basketball practise I got a text from my mom saying that her and dad where going out and there was left overs in the fridge.

So I walked to Ambers house. I stood out side at the end of the path to her house for a minute trying to build up the courage to knock on her door we haven't spoke since the thing in the corridor. I took a deep breath and walked up the path and knocked on her door. Then a few seconds later Amber opened the door I saw her cheek was bruised on instinct I placed my hand on her cheek and caressed it with my thumb "Am what happened?" I said quietly and softly "Ryden what are you doing here? You can't be here." She looked back into the house before placing her hands on my chest and pushing me into the middle of the path with her so we where both stood there in the middle of the path and she took her hands off me and crossed them over her chest.

"What are you doing here Ryden?"

"I came to give you this." I said taking out the booklet for history and handing it to her "It's the history homework for over Christmas. It needs to be in for when we go back."

Before she could say anything a man came out of her house he looked old like my dads age and he had a slight grey beard that was shaved close to his face "Amber what the hell are you doing?" The guy shouted then he saw me and stormed over to me and Amber "who's this?" He said angrily "He was just leaving." Amber said looking at me trying to get me to leave I nod and turn around and start to walk away then the guy shouted "Ryden?!" and I turned around and he pushed me on the ground so I was laying on my back the guy then sat on my stomach why I was on the ground and I tried to push him off me but then he started to punch me repeatedly in the face as I struggled to fight back and push him off me. Why this was happening Amber started to shout "Dad get off him your hurting him!" She said and she started to cry "Dad stop!!!" She said trying to pull him off me. There was blood all over my face and it hurt like hell after throwing a few more punches he got off me and kicked me in the stomach a few times hard "That's for getting my daughter pregnant you pice of shit." I rolled onto my side and groaned in pain "I'm sorry. I never meant for Amber to get pregnant. All I did was love her." I said and Ambers dad grabbed her arm and pulled her into the house leaving me alone on the path I slowly got up clenched my stomach in pain and I walked as best I could home. When I got in I stumbled up stairs making a lot of noise as I did so and then as I reached to top of the stairs I fell and Juliet came out of her room and ran over to me.

"Ryden! What happened?!" She said running over to me and helping me up and I leaned on the wall and took a deep breath "Ambers Dad. I went to give Amber her her history homework and her dad was there and he beat me up for getting Amber pregnant. I deserved it though."

"No you don't Ryden it was an accident and you know that. Go get a shower and get cleaned up." She said helping me walk towards the bathroom then she went back into her room. I had a shower and after it I felt a lot better I got changed into just a pair of sweatpants my abdomen was red and bruised and my face was cut and bruised but I felt a lot better I walked into my room and lay on my bed on top of the covers.

I was looking up at the ceiling when there was a knock on my bedroom door "Come in!" I shouted then the door opened and Amber was stood there her eyes where red and puffy I sat up and propped my back up against the head board.

"Hey. What you doing here?"

"I came to make sure you where ok."

"I'm ok. Are you ok?" I said she came over to my bed and sat next to my legs so she was facing me and she took my hand.

"It was horrible. Watching my dad who I haven't seen in years beat you up and he knows I'm already upset about losing the baby and he knows I can't lose you to. I know it seems like I don't love you but I do. I do Ryden I love you and it was horrible watching you get beaten and I tried Ryden I tried to get him off of you but he was to strong." She says starting to cry I pull her into a tight hug.

"It's ok I deserved it. It was my fault you got pregnant amd it was probably my fault you lost the baby so your dad had event right to beat the shit out of me." I said holding her she pulled away and placed her hand on my cheek "no. He didn't and it wasn't your fault I got pregnant it was both of our faults and we lost the baby because of complication not you but I love you no matter what." She said looking into my eyes then she leaned in and kissed me I kissed back but then I pulled away "Amber are you sure your ready?" "100%" She said then she smiled and kissed me and I kissed her back the kiss became heated then she strapped me and we kept kissing.

To be continued......

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