Chapter One - Desperate Beginning

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What can I say, please be sympathetic, oh god this was my first fanfic and I wish I could go back and do it better!  But here it is my beautiful ship, my beautiful boys just being sexy best friends forever!


Jian Yi had a cunning was going to be diabolically perfect, no other plan he had ever hatched was going to have such a guaranteed success rate, he was so confident of its success that if he'd made a wager with He Tian, Jian Yi was almost certain he would win.

Since middle school, even now in high school he had suffered at the hands of thwarted plan after thwarted plan, it was so frustrating! Every situation he could advantageously place himself in with Zhan Zheng Xi had all ended with empty frustration and heart break on his side, earning him more sympathetic looks from Xixi.

In his life there were few people who he loved so dearly as Zhan Zheng Xi (yes sometimes even more so than his mother), Xixi was the be all and end all. He was the only person that knew Jian Yi was a selfish, dizzy, clueless fuck and would still loyally call him "friend".

This love for his beloved friend started out pure and noble at first during elementary school, then morphed into barely contained 'in the closet' hero worshiping during middle school. Now moving on to his current sad situation in high school, which needless to say was fucking dire. What did he have to do, put a sign above his head saying "Gay for Zhan Zheng Xi!", "I'm yours, take me already!" or his personal favourite "I can't take this anymore bastard it's slowly killing me inside"?

Sometimes he wished he could just forget and move on. He Tian probably would have pounced on him in a heart beat back in middle school, but these days he was gaga for Mo Guan Shan and unbelievably faithful for a guy who was such a slutty whore (okay admit to being a tiny bit jealous damn it!).

Jian Yi was desperate and desperate times called for desperate measures...... This is where the plan came in, it was hatched after one of those nights when he was lying on the crumpled sheets of his bed, tears streaming down his cheeks after another failed attempt to confess to Zhan Zheng Xi. What was so hard about saying those words out loud to his best friend? If he had to listen to another one of those "You can tell me anything Jian Yi..." speeches he was going to lose his fucking mind!

As he lay there he shouted to the empty room.

"I like you, you big dork! I want you to say you like me, I want you to push me down on this bed and kiss me until we're both a panting mess. Please, say you love me too asshole!"

By the time the last word left his lips he's tears are running freely again and he falls into a deep exhausted sleep. In his dreams they always made love, and he would finally lose his virginity to someone he cherished above all things. In his dreams Zhan Zheng Xi always dominated him, pushing him to the heights of dizzy pleasure, making him come so hard he would wake up spurting all over his stomach, his hand gripping his cock. He didn't want his first time to be with anyone other than Zhan Zheng Xi, he felt like it would cheapen what he felt if he attempted to sleep with some faceless nobody.

He was in class the next day, the heat was so thick it was hard to breathe so he lay his head listlessly down on his desk. Trying to ignore the noisy chatter, he grimaced as his shirt stuck to his sweaty back.

Enough was enough. He had to get real, no more tiptoeing around the subject! He had to step his game up. Xixi was thickheaded would require a more direct approach, this was it, one last ditched effort to confess his feelings to Zhan Zheng Xi, to finally get Xixi to forget the words "best friend" and embrace the word "lover". Well that's if his fiercely straight friend would be willing to change everything about his sexuality just for Jian Yi. That could happen right?

"Fuck" he banged his head on his desk futilely.

His ears perked up when one of the louder groups of girls conversations drifted over to him.

"I listened in on my mum talking to her single friend on the phone the other day. They were talking about how to get a man to notice you if you want to nudge things along sexually!"

The girls in the group giggle madly at the mention of sex.

"Stupid girls, don't pretend you're virgins". He muttered under his breath still blatantly listening.

"Apparently if you're in their room and you want to make a boy notice you, you have to strip everything off!"

"What do you mean strip to your underwear?!"

"I can do that, I've just been on a crash diet and lost 2kgs!"

"No completely naked! You stand there naked, and then you stare at them, maintaining eye contact until he can't take it any more and leaps on you!"

"Kyaaa! I can't do that it sounds so bold!"

The girls squealed, looking scandalised but intrigued enough to lean in and listen carefully for more. This was advice from someone who was older and therefore wiser.

Jian Yi leaned a bit closer. Zhan Zheng Xi had seen him in his boxers thousands of times, how was that going to help in anyway? In fact Xixi had seen him naked and he had seen Xixi naked so many times he'd lost count. It was just normal in their earlier years, and in school they changed in front of each other all the time. It was Xixi's fault he never noticed Jian Yi's longing looks, what did he have to do stand in front of Zhan completely erect and crook a finger?

That's all it took really, Jian Yi started thinking on how he could move their relationship on by using blatant body language, that could work right? Xixi might just get the picture.... He spent the rest of the day dreaming in class of how he was going to get Zhan Zheng Xi in a position where he could walk in dick hanging out and they could move their relationship firmly into "Yes! Yes, fuck yes, more Xixi!" territory. This cheered him up no end and by the end of the day he was eager to meet with Zhan Zheng Xi at his classroom.

Jian Yi walked along the corridor, waving a two fingered salute at He Tian and Mo Guan Shan who were walking in the opposite direction, their shoulders touching slightly and their heads close together. Whipping out his mobile Jian Yi tapped out a lightning quick text to He Tian.

JIAN YI: DONT BE SO OBVIOUS DICK!. He Tian came back almost instantaneously.

HE TIAN: So jealous.......

Jian Yi flounced past the smirking black haired boy and his red headed side kick, muttering "asshole" as he went. He screamed bloody murder when He Tian tripped him up deliberately. Picking himself up he dusted himself off and cursed as He Tian put an arm around Mo Guan Shan's shoulders strolling off triumphantly. Fucking He Tian!

Jian Yi stalked towards Xixi's classroom and pressed his face up against the window to see if he could see his friend. Scowling he swivelled his head back and forth but there was no sign of Zhan. Nabbing one of the girls from his class he questioned her about his whereabouts.

"Did he tell you where he went?". I'm his best friend, who leaves his best friend behind!

"He went home, he never mentioned anything about meeting you, you really shouldn't bother him so much you know. He's an honour student, he's probably studying, we do have exams coming. You are aware of that aren't you?"

"Listen bitch, tell me what time he left or I'll tell Zhan Zheng Xi that you like him."

This seemed to shut her up, stupid long haired cow. Looking down his long nose he about turned and headed for Xixi's house.

As he walked he worked out that Zhan's sister would be out at cram school and his parents worked late anyway, so he would be alone for at least 2-3 hours. It was now or never.

He feet started to move at a clipped pace, then he broke into a slow run which turned into out and out sprinting, his school bag flapping behind him. His homework was lost, but he'd copy from his honey Xixi, that's what friends ehem lovers are for right?

"Wait for me Xixi!"

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