Chapter Thirty Four - Parents are Mysterious Beings

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Late on Monday evening, while Jian Yi was doing his homework in a blissed out mood (even though he couldn't reciprocate for Xixi at lunchtime, he got called to the teachers lounge!), he received a group message from He Tian.

HE TIAN: Jian Yi and Zhan Zheng Xi come over on Tuesday night? We can have a gaming night, drink, food/snacks, you can all stay over if your moms are okay with that. We can all go to school together in the morning?

JIAN YI: Yes, well if my mom says yes! If Xixi comes I'm there, I need to escape for a while.

Mo Guan Shan: Why are you texting me, I'm right here beside you idiot! I'm not cooking or cleaning up afterwards if I come over you shithead!

HE TIAN: You're just lying there unable to move. If? Do you not mean when?

Mo Guan Shan: You asshole I might be busy!

HE TIAN: You mean you will be there with groceries? I want beef stew.

JIAN YI: Ooh me too!

Mo Guan Shan: Fuck.

HE TIAN: Just shut up and accept you enjoy our domestic bliss.

Mo Guan Shan: I'm sick of Beef Stew.

HE TIAN: Surprise us then.

JIAN YI: Wow I've never seen you compromise before.

HE TIAN: I'm learning.

Mo Guan Shan: Hmm I want pork ribs....

Zhan Xi: Did someone say pork ribs?

JIAN YI: Xixi!

Zhan Xi: Are You honestly expecting our parents to let us come here?

JIAN YI: .................

HE TIAN: Leave it to me. Get your shit together tonight, bring it with you tomorrow.


On Tuesday morning he woke up, packed his overnight stuff in his bag, showered and pulled on his uniform before sleepily shuffling into the kitchen. His mom was sitting at the table, she had toasted some bread and there was tea poured in his cup.

"Jian Yi I want to talk to you." She crunched on her toast and patted the seat next to her.

"Mom." Jian Yi groaned internally what did she want, did she want to lecture him some more? He sat and reached for toast.

"He Tian called me and we had what I can only describe as a frank and honest conversation." She looked at him.

What the fuck had He Tian said?

"He told me, in confidence with the proviso that it would go no further than me, that he was also gay that he was in a steady loving relationship and had been so for 2 years now."

Two years?! They had kept that quiet, as far as Jian Yi was concerned they had only started going out a year ago! They had been in a stable relationship for 2 years?? Wow. Jian Yi was so jealous, so much wasted time, he felt so foolish for never confessing to Xixi sooner.

"He Tian explained a lot to me about how his relationship is just as loving and monogamous as straight relationships. He wanted to remind me that you weren't 'sleeping around', that you were still a 'hopeless virgin', and respectfully suggested that I should consider how much you love Zhan Xi and not dwell on the more unsavoury reputations of the few. He also wanted to ask my permission for you to stay at his house overnight with Zhan Xi, himself and his boyfriend Mo Guan Shan to eat and do some gaming." Jian Yi's mom finally stopped speaking.

He was speechless. He Tian had said some fantastical things to his mom. He didn't know whether to thank him or punch him (a decision he often contemplated when it came to He Tian) and he was not a hopeless virgin thank you! He had a boyfriend now to help him with that situation.

"Can I go then please? We are just gaming and eating, we are doing homework first of course?" He tried to say anything to further their cause.

"So you want me to give you permission to go." Jian Yi's mom was giving him inscrutable look.

She started laughing! She laughed so much she was crying, and then she was off again slapping her thigh she was back snorting with laughter.

"Mom? Mom!!" Eventually Jian Yi got sick of her crazy laughing and left for school.

He met Zhan Zheng Xi outside of school, he was looking mortified.

"Xixi what's wrong?" Jian Yi had a dreadful premonition.

"It was so embarrassing, my mom....I can't even....". Zhan Xi looked traumatised.

"What the fuck happened?" Jian Yi shook him.

"She said He Tian had called her and said all of these things about him and Mo and how she should cut us some slack because you were a "forever virgin" and I was a "hopelessly in love." Xixi blushed crazily.

"Fucking hell!"

"Then she said that He Tian asked her if I could go and that it was just gaming and food. And she just laughed and laughed. Then she called Mrs Yi and they laughed on the phone about us being "So adorable!", and "They're clueless!", "Hmm that boy was pretty smooth I'll give him that!", "Haha I remember saying that to my parents! Hahah you too?", "I can't laugh any more my sides hurt!".

Zhan Zheng Xi looked shell shocked.

"Well I'm clueless as to if we are going or not." Jian Yi looked depressed.

Just then He Tian arrived and waltzed up to them like he was the shit and should be worshipped for his mother whispering powers.

"Morning, well?." Zhan Xi pounced on him knocking him into the grass where the school wall was.

Jian Yi gingerly knelt down and Zhan Xi vied for top position, Zhan Xi won first.

"You fucking shitty bastard!" He grabbed his shirt front and shook him. Jian Yi knocked him off to gain access to him, trying to strangle him.

"I'm not a hopeless virgin! I'm gonna kill you Tian! Zhan Xi you can get his legs and I will get his head and we can carry him to the nearest street light and unman him!" Jian Yi got up and pretended to start dragging He Tian's struggling body with Zhan Xi' doing most of the dragging.

"Oi! Wait! Put me down, I will fucking murder you both." Just then Mo Guan Shan turned up and stood and watched.

"Aren't you going to rescue me Momo?" He Tian struggled.

Mo just continued to watch and took some pictures. "What are you going to do with him? I bought enough pork ribs for 4, with him out the picture there's more for us!" He picked up He Tian's shoulders and joined in dragging He Tian towards the nearest street light.

When they got close Jian Yi and Zhan Xi phones bonged in their pockets. Jian Yi held up his finger got them to halt He Tian's ball smashing. Fishing his phone out of his pocket, he noticed with trepidation that it was from his mother.

MOM: You can go, don't get so drunk that you can't go to school tomorrow.

Jian Yi dropped He Tian's hand and showed Zhan Xi his phone screen.

Zhan Xi dropped the legs and got his own phone out. It was from his mom.

Mother: Oh I haven't laughed that much in years, wait until I call your father! Be responsible Zhan Xi, don't drink so much you're sick, if you miss school tomorrow you're in trouble.

They both grinned like fools and turned their phone screens to Mo who grinned "See this idiot here is good for something." He dropped He Tian's shoulders. They laughed and turned to thank He Tian but he was already getting up and dusting himself off, his face was black and thunderous.

Zhan Xi and a wincing Jian Yi turned and power walked off towards the school gates.

"Aaahhhh!! It was just a joke, you're over reacting!".

He Tian took off after them, with a laughing Mo bringing up the rear. It was on, a night with friends and Xi all to himself Jian Yi couldn't wait!

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