Chapter Twenty Eight - Love Conquers All

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When Jian Yi woke up he was witness to an amazing sight, his mom was asleep with her head resting on her arm, her face was turned towards him and she was holding a hand which didn't belong to him. He followed the hand to an arm which was holding him so gently around the waist, it was a strong lightly tanned arm and he knew it belonged to Xixi. Zhan Xi was lying cuddled up behind him his head resting on Jian Yi's pillow and he was overwhelmed by the love which was on display.

Annoying tears came to his eyes, why spoil such a touching moment when his thoughts went immediately to what happened to his sore body yesterday. He dashed them away and lifted a hand to lightly touch the hands that were obviously clasped in solidarity for Jian Yi.

"Mom.....?" Jian Yi whispered her name, he was apprehensive but he knew he had to face this situation head on.

"Hmm Yi, how do you feel? Is your pain okay, the Doctor said you can have more if you're struggling?" His mother sat up and noticed that Zhan Xi was still sleeping. She gently took her hand from Xixi's grip and she placed her hands on Jian Yi's cheeks.

"My boy, my beautiful boy, I wish I could take all the pain myself, take it all away from you." Her voice cracked and she gently touched his stitched lip.

"Mom it's okay, I'll be okay, we will be okay!" Jian Yi's voice sounded forced he touched her hand trying to make her feel better.

"You know Jian Yi it will be okay because I am here for you and he is here for you, you just need to take your time and do it your way. We are here to help you through this difficult time." His Mom patted Xixi's arm gently.

Jian Yi blushed. Something had obviously happened when he was asleep. Should he be relieved that Zhan Xixi and his mom had already talked things through?

"And Jian Yi we will be talking about you and Zhan Xi at some point, there are some ground rules we need to establish." She got up and kissed his forehead. "Now I am going to speak to your doctor about some more pain killers and I'll get us all something to eat and drink." With that she left leaving Jian Yi stunned and slightly horrified. His mom knew about Jian Yi and Zhan Xi and she obviously wanted to give them a lecture about something aaah! So embarrassing, it was cringe worthy!

"Hmm Jian Yi? Are you okay? Where did your mom go?" Zhan Xi stretched and got up, he walked around to where Jian Yi was facing and he ever so gently kissed him on the lips.

"Umm what did you and mom talk about last night? Is she okay, she's really fucking calm, it's freaking me out!" Jian Yi winced and eventually sat up, holding his busted rib. He noticed that the shaking had stopped and his IV had been removed, wow how stealthy were nurses?!

"Yeah she kind of heard everything we said to each other right from when you told me about your injuries." Zhan Xi rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. Jian Yi belatedly noticed his hair was sticking out all over.

"Shit." His mother knew everything.

"Jian Yi it's for the best, I feel so relieved that I no longer have to lie to her about our relationship. It feels amazing." Zhan Xi sat on the bed next to him and he nudged Jian Yi gently with his shoulder.

"She was okay with everything? With us? She wants to lecture us about something though. I bet she wants to give us the talk!" Jian Yi looked at Zhan Xi out the corner of his eye.

"Jian Yi I think it's a bit too late to give us 'the talk'. I think she knows that we may have done something already, hence the imminent lecture." He reached over and took Jian Yi's hand in his, their fingers threaded through each other. "I love you Jian Yi, we will get through this together okay?"

"Okay." Jian Yi wanted to kiss Xixi so badly! "Xixi.....?"

"Hmm?" Zhan Xi looked over at him.

"Please kiss me, gently I know, but please kiss me get the feeling of his foul lips off mine please." Jian Yi sounded desperate.

Zhan Xi hopped down from the bed and he rushed to clasp Jian Yi's face in his hands and he leaned in hesitantly and touched their lips softly. He reverently moved his lips over Jian's, making sure to avoid the side which had been bruised and cut. Jian Yi could literally feel how loved he was from that soft press of lips.

Zhan Xi pulled away and rested his forehead against Yi's. "Better..?"

"Better." Zhan Yi had erased the memory of that fuckers horrible lips on his and replaced it with something infinitely more beautiful.

The sound of someone politely coughing brought them out of their moment rather quickly. Zhan Xi stood and moved back to his seat beside Jian Yi. Just then his mother walked through the curtain with drinks and food in her arms.

"This country we live in is backward sometimes when it comes to accepting that people can fall in love with whoever they want. So if you two want to keep this relationship going, you're going to have to be more wary of your surroundings and who could possibly be listening." His mother arched an eyebrow at both of them before handing out refreshments.

"Sorry mum." Jian Yi was scarlet.

"I am sorry Mrs Jian, we won't do it it again." Zhan Xi gladly took his sandwich and drink.

"I very much doubt it, but make an effort!" She sat on the visitors seat and noticed that she had been replaced in her son's heart with someone who loved him dearly. She wasn't mad at all, she merely missed being the one to stand at her son's side during times like this. Zhan Xi now stood by her son's side proudly, and for that reason she wouldn't smack them both up the side of the head with her fist for having sex in her house and not cleaning up after themselves! But that was for their talk at a later date!

Jian Yi was so nervous he didn't know where to look. "Mom I love Zhan Xi."

"Idiot son! I know about your feelings for Zhan Xi, you hardly hid them from the world. You brought no girls home, you never went to parties. Your focus was always on Zhan Xi." Jian Yi's mom rolled her eyes.

"Oh god." Xi was so red he hid his face in his hands.

"See Xixi even mom noticed I loved you, aww I think you're just a bit slow." Jian Yi patted his head.

"Shitty Jian Yi I'm going to kill you!" Zhan Xi went for Yi with hands outstretched to strangle him, upon seeing Jian Yi's mom looking at him he coughed and lowered his hands, but he glared at Yi promising retribution later.

"It's nice to see Jian Yi laughing, but seriously if you ever raise a hand to my son in anger I will kill you." She said it with utter conviction and Zhan Xi believed every word she said. Zhan Xi knew Jian Yi's mom dealt with people he couldn't even comprehend and he knew that if she wanted to she could arrange for him to be hurt.

"I understand Mrs Jian." He nodded at her respectfully.

Using her special mom powers she had Jian Yi signed off, discharged with medication and an appointment for a therapist next week made. They bundled Jian Yi carefully into a taxi that went straight to Zhan Xi's building. Jian Yi looked confused.

"You're going to stay here tonight so Mrs Zhan can care for you, I've arranged it, then tomorrow you will be going home I am going to have a week or two off to take care of you okay? I need today to go arrange my time off and make sure that certain people are doing the jobs they're supposed to." Well that was ominous!

When Jian Yi got out of the taxi he looked at his mom in a different light, had she always been so cool? He was overjoyed that he didn't have to go home to that empty apartment, the thought of spending the night alone with his thoughts and painful injuries made him shudder. His mom walked over she kissed his cheek and squeezed his shoulder and he felt like he would cry.

"Mrs Jian what did you tell my mom?" Zhan Xi looked apprehensive.

"I told her the truth about Jian Yi and why he was assaulted. She doesn't know about you Zhan Xi, that is up to you to talk to her about not me." She stroked his cheek and kissed his forehead. "Take care of my son Zhan Xi, I'll be back tomorrow morning okay."

They waved her off and then looked towards Zhan Xi's building, Jian Yi felt scared to go in.

"It's okay Jian Yi, my mom loves you she will fawn all over you and feed you tons of food." Zhan Xi took Jian Yi's hand and helped him walk into the building slowly. He had the most curious feeling like Mrs Jian had just given Jian Yi away to him like some blushing bride! He flushed and stamped down the urge to carry Jian Yi across the threshold.

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