Chapter Forty Five - The Day a Corner was Turned

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In the morning Jian Yi's eyes eased open and he smiled because Zhan Xi was so close their noses were nearly touching. Yi could see each individual eyelash which lay softly on Xi's cheeks (he had very long eyelashes) and his lips were parted as he breathed softly in his sleep. Jian Yi was always jealous that Xi could sleep so silently, apparently he snored like a dying seal according to his mom.

When Xi stirred and his eyes opened Jian Yi could immediately see a touch of worry creasing his brow, a hand reached over and gentle fingers cupped his cheek.

"Are you........." Xixi's voice was sleep hoarse.

"It's okay, Xi I'm okay." Jian Yi looked away and turned over to reach for his phone. "Look it's late! We need to get up, get to school come on!" Jian Yi sat up with a groan at his various aches and pains, then he got out of bed nervously tucked his messy hair behind his ears, he started charging about trying to get his uniform together.

Xi lay there and watched his boyfriend stomping about, completely naked, his eyes were drawn to Yi's tasty bits because everything was flopping and slapping about. Zhan Xi probably would not stop looking even if a wooden board was placed in front of his eyes, his hot gaze would melt through.

"What are you doing?? Come on get up lazy Zhan Zheng Xi!" Jian Yi left the room and returned with their uniforms from the bathroom. He sorted out his own uniform and Xi's into two piles, he grabbed a comb from his bag and yanked it through his sleep tangled locks.

Zhan Xi rolled on his side and rested his head on a bent elbow. He proceeded to just stare at the magnificent view before him. Jian Yi had avoided answering his question about if he was okay, was he not going to acknowledge what was happening to him? Was he just going to plaster on a fake smile and brush him off? He would allow it this once but next time they were having it out.

Sitting up with a groan he stood and stretched, his body was feeling deliciously sated, last night had been amazing they had both made each other come so many times and Xi finally managed to move inside Yi the way he wanted and it had been so fucking hot he couldn't wait until they could do it again. Although a morning quickly was out of the question the way Jian Yi was pulling his clothes on. Disappointed Xi settled for walking over to his flustered boyfriend, leaning in for a gentle and soft morning kiss.

"Good morning Yi." Xixi squeezed his hip firmly.

Embarrassed that he hadn't even said good morning he leaned in too and returned the kiss with a grin.

"Hmm Morning Xixi, now go brush your teeth your breath is smelly." Yi smacked Zhan Xi's bare ass and returned to rummaging in his school bag.

"How is your body this morning?" Xi stopped and threw this question over his shoulder.

"Umm my ass is hurting more than last time, my ribs are aching a bit, apart from that I feel fine." Yi flushed, Xi had to ask that question didn't he! He was sore enough that he was glad he was still exempt from gym due to his injuries. Not sure how much longer that would last, he would be back to full fitness very soon.

"I'm going to piss, give me my uniform I'll get changed in the bathroom......with a locked door of course don't want any perverted deviants watching me." Xi grinned when Yi went scarlet and sauntered off towards the bathroom, he decided today was going to be a good day.


They made it to school just in time for the gates closing and as they went their separate ways, Jian Yi agreed to meet up with Xixi during the lunch break.

After a long and boring morning Jian Yi finally escaped his classroom and rushed towards the cafeteria to buy lunch. On his way down the corridor towards the lunch hall his phone beeped.

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