Chapter Eighteen - Eyes Wide Shut

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Jian Yi blushed and stared at Zhan Zheng Xi not quite believing his best friend, Mr Straight Laced himself, was staring back with mischief in his eyes. Who was this imposter and what had he done with his fucking grumpy friend? If Jian Yi were to be whimsical, he would think that the reason why Zhan Xixi had always been so deadpan was because he had been as equally conflicted and miserable about his feelings for Jian Yi....... It hurt to think of them wasting so much time, when they could have just been happy.

At Xixi's raised eyebrow he jumped up and knocked back the last of his beer, shaking his empty bottle. Now he knew where they were he wanted to have fun and not think too hard about the past or the future, just concentrate on the moment with his friends.

"Come on lets go dance!" Jian Yi bounced up and down.

"Fuck that." Mo Guan Shan got up and walked off towards the bar. "Remember you're paying asshole." He Tian rolled his eyes and winked at Jian Yi before sauntering off after him. "We will bring your drinks, go."

"Come on Xixi, don't let me go off and dance on my own." Jian Yi pouted.

At this Zhan Zheng Xi looked horrified, no the thought of leaving his gullible boyfriend to roam alone on the dance floor with a load of horny old dudes didn't compute. With Jian Yi's propensity to get into the most epic shit in a very short space of time, there was no way he was going to leave him unsupervised. He reached over and took Jian Yi's hand and tugged him towards the dance floor.

The DJ had just kicked up the music to something with a hard and fast beat. Zhan Xixi wasn't the most flashy dancer, but he had been to enough parties with Jian Yi to know that he liked to dance and normally caught everyone's attention with his haughty good looks. Which was no different here, Zhan could feel the eyes of many coveting Jian Yi, he grinned sorry this one is mine hands off the merchandise. The hardcore tunes made speech impossible, so they got sucked into the movement of the people on the dance floor. Jian Yi grinned at him as he swayed and bounced, his arms flung above his head in abandon.

Next the DJ played the intro to something with a slow and raunchy rhythm, the whole place erupted and it seemed like the entire club squeezed onto the dance floor. Jian Yi was crushed up against Zhan Xixi until their faces were an inch apart. Zhan took the opportunity to grin and put his hands on his boyfriends hips and dragged him closer until their whole torsos were bumping and grinding together right alongside everyone else.

Jian Yi was in shock, here he was dancing with his best friend, Zhan Xi was smiling as he turned Jian Yi in his arms. Yi rubbed his ass cheekily against him, then he wound his arms up behind Xixi's neck and they laughed and danced until they were oblivious of everyone around them.

When two hands appeared on Jian Yi's hips alongside Zhan Xixi's, it took him a while to come around from the heady dancing, Jian Yi was still lost, but Zhan Zheng Xi noticed. Xi arched an eyebrow at the stranger who obviously thought they would be up for a bit of 3way grinding on the dance floor or something! Fucking get your greasy paws off him, prick! Zhan put as much vehemence into one look and indicated with the raise of his chin that Jian Yi was his, fuck off.

The stranger gave up reluctantly, and Zhan Xi dragged Jian Yi off the dance floor and back towards He Tian and Mo Guan Shan who were standing there with drinks for them. He Tian was in fucking hysterics.

"Zhan Zheng Xi did you get more than you bargained for?" Passing their drinks over, He Tian dragged a protesting Mo off into the crowd skirting the dance floor. Looking on Zhan could tell they weren't going dancing..... Shaking his head at their enthusiasm, he turned to Jian Yi and his disgruntled words fell silent on his lips when he saw his friend was sweaty, his blond bangs stuck to his temples, his eyes had a sparkle he had not seen since back at the beginning of middle school and his lips were curved in a smile. So enchanted was Xi that he leaned over and kissed Jian Yi softly.

"Hmm Xixi...". Jian Yi looked ecstatic, he was so easily pleased with such small displays of affection? He felt like all kinds of a dick for depriving him. They might not be able to do this in public but they could do it here tonight right?

"Jian Yi Come here." He pulled on Yi's hand and they walked over to the outer edge of the club, Zhan Zheng Xi guided him to stand against the wall and lifted his hands to Jian Yi's jaw, tracing the sharp edges before he reached behind and pulled the band from Yi's hair, plunging his fingers into all that softness. Jian Yi used to joke years ago that if you rubbed his hair, it would improve your mood. Zhan Xi had lost count of the amount of times he had wanted to smack the hands of boys away who had walked past and rubbed Jian Yi's soft hair. The jealousy had eaten him alive until he had out and out refused to touch Jian Yi's hair (until he was asleep of course). Stroking and tugging on the blond locks Zhan Xi was certainly feeling more and more horny, so perhaps it did work after all.

Zhan Zheng Xi was looking at him so intently, not really looking at Yi, he was more interested in watching the way the hair fell through his fingers and Jian Yi wondered what was going on in his head.

Xi was fantasising about using the hair to tug Jian Yi's head back so he could kiss his neck.

"I have to.....". He used his thumbs and tilted Jian Yi's head up and to the side and kissed the pulse in the hollow of his throat, when Yi moaned Zhan licked at the spot, biting firmly. He kissed his way up that long slim neck slowly slowly slowly until Jian Yi gasped

"Zhanxixi...". Jian Yi gasped when Zhan Xi's knee slid between his thighs, he didn't press it high but it was a threatened presence because he could easily slip it up and be touching Jian Yi's crotch faster than he could moan "Yes Xixi, Yes!"

Zhan Xi was mesmerised by the the sounds Jian Yi was making, it was heady knowing he was responsible for the hitch in his breath and the way he clutched Zhan's shoulders. He nipped his way up Yi's chin, catching his lips in a quick desperate kiss filled with tangled tongues and groans.

Breaking apart Zhan was panting and when he looked at how far gone Jian Yi looked, he wanted to curse his rotten luck at always having Yi right where he wanted him, but at the wrong fucking time and place. When Jian Yi finally opened his eyes he could see he looked confused, unsure where they were. When his eyes widened and looked at something behind them, Zhan Zheng Xi already knew what he was going to say.

"He Tian and Mo are behind us." Jian Yi sounded matter of fact.

"Fuck it, let's go to yours." Zhan turned and nodded at the other boys, then he took Jian Yi's hand and walked them out of the club and into the heat of the street, it was past midnight.

Zhan Xi had come to the conclusion that gay bars could be a suitable outlet for their passions if they want to be watched by the whole club. He wanted to make Jian Yi shake with pleasure again, so badly, and although he joked about bringing Jian Yi here so that he could fulfil his voyeuristic fantasies, he didn't want him looking at someone else, he didn't want anyone looking at them making out, he needed to change school rules to school and gay bar rules. It needed reiterated! Rule 2 - Nobody sees Jian Yi aroused, only Zhan Zheng Xi.

When his phone chimed and he looked at the screen it seemed to further compound his thought process:

HE TIAN: That was fucking hot Zhan Xi, Jian Yi's face was such a turn on I nearly dragged Mo back to the toilets.

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