Chapter Thirty One - Hurtful Words can't be Rescinded

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Once the embarrassment of breakfast was over Jian Yi and his mother began getting ready to leave. Zhan Xi walked Yi to the door of their home and Mrs Jian seemed to get the picture because she said she would wait at the lift for him.

"Zhan Xixi, I'm sorry all of this shouldn't have come to light so soon, it's all my fault." They'd both been sat down by all three parents and lectured again, then a list of rules on how they were to comport themselves living with their parents as they did, were issued.

"Don't be stupid Jian Yi, our parents didn't throw us out, beat us or disown us. I view that as a major plus." Zhan Xi looked around and when he saw nobody he pulled Yi in for a gentle kiss, clasping his cheeks in his palms.

"We still need to hide it at school, in public, your mom was right everyone will not be so accommodating about our relationship." Jian Yi stepped back reluctantly from his boyfriend.

"How are you feeling?" Zhan Xi looked him square in the eye.

"My ribs are hurting like a bastard." Jian Yi winced when he pulled on his borrowed jacket from Xixi.

"No, how are you feeling, really." Zhan Xi was a fucking stubborn shit when he wanted to be.

"I'm numb, I'm happy, I'm angry, I'm confused, I keep asking why, why, why, why? Are you happy?"

"I don't think I could describe my feelings as happy, but you're mine now so I get to worry and stress about if you're going to be okay, after what that fucker did to you." At some point during the night Jian Yi had awoken in pain from his injuries so Zhan Xi got him some medication and they had lain together in the darkness and talked about what had happened to Jian Yi in that storage room for about an hour, until Jian Yi's pain killers worked to pull him back into slumber.

"I'll text you Xixi." Jian Yi smiled a strained smile and then he walked to meet his mother at the lift.

"Ready? I'm going to take good care of you and make this whole process as stress free as possible." His mother had really come through for him.


When Jian Yi got home his mother told him that he would be absent from school until he felt he was ready to return. His work/homework would be brought home for him everyday by either Xixi or He Tian. He Tian?! He was to rest up and heal, but still do his homework? What kind of sick torture was this. His cram school had been put on hold and a tutor employed to come to his house instead. Urgh.

So it's okay you've had this fucking shitty thing happen to you, but remember the exams are soon! Thanks mom. He secretly couldn't give a toss, lots of work would keep his mind busy and not dwelling on what had happened.

Upon seeing the dire state of the fridge contents, his mum grabbed her purse reassured him that she wouldn't be long, then she ran out the door to go quickly to the supermarket which was right next to their building.

Turning he walked to his bedroom and lowered himself gingerly on the bed, his ribs were sore, but his balls today were an aching black and blue mess. The doctors had told him he had been lucky his ball sacks hadn't been ruptured, that asshole had nearly unmanned him.

Grabbing his phone he text Zhan Xi.

JIAN YI: I'm back, wow my balls are so swollen...

Zhan Xi: If I didn't know what you had just been through, I would take that as an invitation. Yeah they looked pretty fucked up.

JIAN YI: This is going to be torture Xixi.

Zhan Xi: You have to just let your body heal in its own time Yi.

JIAN YI: I still can't get used to the fact you're calling me Yi now, not 'Fucking Jian Yi!'.

Zhan Xi: I also call you 'Idiot Yi' too.

JIAN YI: Well it's nice to be informal with you more............Xi.

Zhan Xi: God it's still fucking embarrassing!

JIAN YI: Are you blushing? Silly Xi.

Zhan Xi: Go rest Idiot Yi.

JIAN YI: I will, speak later.

Jian Yi smiled helplessly at his phone, he was happy Xi was at the end of the phone if he needed him, it was like all the stars had aligned and he was in the most fantastic place right now (physical and mental trauma not withstanding) he had everything he had every wanted. Xi was his boyfriend and their families were happy for them. What more could he ask?

His mother came home just then bags in hand, but she brought with her a visitor.

"Tian he's back there, I'll make tea." She shooed He Tian towards Jian Yi's bedroom.

Fuck. He wasn't ready to talk to He Tian yet.

When his door opened He Tian came inside, a solum look on his face Jian Yi wished with all of his might that he could launch himself at He Tian and kick him in the balls.

"He Tian." Jian Yi scowled.

"I came here to see you, see how you were". He Tian brought his study table over by the bed and sat on the floor.

"I don't know what to say, you saved me from being raped thank you. You stood and watched me be hurt to get evidence. He did all those things to me, and you just watched. I still can't get my head around it, although the police said that you called an ambulance and the reason why it's an open and shut case is because of your video. Thank you. I can never repay what you did, I may not like your methods but I don't know what he would have done to me if you hadn't come, I was so relieved to see you you fuck!" Jian Yi was babbling by the end, tears were running down his cheek and he knew he was probably over reacting, it was something apparently he did sometimes.

He Tian was silent, he looked at Jian Yi with pity.

"Do you think that was something I enjoyed......?" He Tian's voice got loud, he looked like he was going to throw up.

Jian Yi looked down and swiped at tears.

"Do you think I ever wanted to see my friend like that, in pain, crying out, being...tortured?" He Tian's voice wobbled slightly.

Jian Yi finally looked at He Tian and he could see that the black haired boy seemed genuinely horrified, his face was white and he looked so hurt it made Jian Yi immediately remorseful of his words.

"He Tian....". He held a hand out over the table and He Tian clasped it in a gentle handshake.

"Jian Yi I had nightmares last night, all I could hear were you cries for him to stop, it's all that I could hear ringing around my bedroom. I hope those evil fucks get what's coming to them!" He Tian squeezed his hand and dropped it.

"The video?" Jian Yi looked apprehensive at the thought of the video getting out at school.

"Don't worry once I gave the police a copy, I wiped it off my phone. They have the ONLY copy, trust me Jian Yi." He Tian looked at Yi and he knew he was telling the truth.

"Here tea boys." Mrs Jian knocked and walked in with a tray. Jian Yi swiped at tears and He Tian cleared his throat. His mother reached over and ruffled his hair gently and stared at both of them.

"He Tian I can never forget what you did for my son. The Jian family is in your debt." He Tian eyebrows hiked up at the words.

"I bought some soup and dumplings, I'll bring them through. Tian you can give Yi his homework for today right?" Jian Yi groaned loudly.

"So can I see your bruised balls? I've never seen bruised balls before....". He Tian grinned a shaky grin at him, and a Jian Yi forgave him in that moment.

"Get away from me you perverted maniac! They're twice as big you know, I mean I will probably never have as bigger balls than I do right now." Jian Yi might even take a picture. He grinned and burst out laughing he had to laugh because if he didn't then he would cry, which he was sick of doing!

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