Chapter Twenty Seven - No Hiding from the Truth

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Jian Yi was lying on his side in a bed at a local hospital. He was currently hooked up to an IV, his whole body was shivering, it was cold with just a hospital gown on, although it covered him reasonably well it was so thin that he was struggling to keep his teeth from chattering. Shock he heard the nurses murmur behind his curtain, they were checking his pulse and heart rate a lot.

He'd had a thorough going over by the medical staff here, injuries were minimal; one broken rib, a nasty bite which needed swabbed with cleaner and a tetanus shot, two stitches to the cut on his lip, numerous bruises including bruised balls and a slightly torn ass which thankfully didn't need stitches. All in all he got off lightly in comparison to some homophobic assaults they saw at the hospital. They had offered him counselling.....

Fuck!! Those assholes deserved to be charged with assault or jailed or both. Both preferably. The police said due to He Tian filming the incident, it was pretty open and shut seeing as the culprits were caught in the act, faces captured on video for everyone to see. The police had to show him He Tian's video to make sure I could identify the three boys, which he clearly could.

That asshole He Tian started filming long before he appeared in the room, Jian Yi was furious at first that he had stood there and watched those assholes hit him, hurt him, humiliate him and sexually assault him. If it weren't for the fact that the police called He Tian a hero, he would still be going through with his plan to knock him out! But because He Tian alerted his friend to get a teacher, got all the evidence of their plot to make him leave, and called an ambulance Jian Yi forgave him. The police said that without all that, they would have gotten away with it by saying that it was consensual or sexual games gone wrong!

So he now owed He Tian a huge favour and was in his debt forever. That in itself was terrifying enough prospect!

He really wished Zhan Zheng Xi was here, he did not know what to do. If his mom turned up before Xixi then he would probably break down and cry and tell her everything, she was going to want to know why it was a 'homophobia related assault', how was he going to lie to his mom when it's already gone down on record as a gay bashing case! Fuck he felt sick with nerves.

When he heard footsteps hurrying towards his cubicle he braced himself. Who was going to walk around the door first......... The curtain tore back and it was Zhan Zheng Xi.

"Jian Yi, Jian Yi! Fucking hell you're here, you're here. You gave me a heart attack, that fucker He Tian said you were hurt and I ran here to make sure you weren't faking it!" Zhan Xi was completely out of breath and when he placed his hand lovingly on his cheek Jian Yi knew that he didn't know how he'd been hurt, nobody had time to give him the details.

"I'm okay, got away lightly. Umm did you speak to the nurses before you came in?" Jian Yi was desperate, surely someone was going to save him the agony and embarrassment of having to tell his lover that he was almost raped. He couldn't meet Xixi's eyes

"No. Jian Yi you're trembling...." he got up onto the bed behind him. He spooned him, careful not to jostle him, he gently kissed his hair. "How badly are you hurt, tell me everything?"

"Umm broken rib, cut lip stitched up, bruises, bruised balls, bitten pectoral muscle and torn anus". By the time Jian Yi got to the bruised balls he was crying and Zhan Xi was speechless. While his brain tried to compute what he had just heard, he wanted to comfort Yi, comfort him in some simple way, he wanted to put his arms around Yi and hold him close, but after hearing the list of his injuries he dared not. He kissed Yi's trembling shoulder and then decided he was safe to slide his hand into Jian Yi's, he squeezed it so tight he feared he would brake something.

"Jian Yi, Jian Yi I love you, I love you. Please don't hurt, please don't hurt I don't know how to fix it yet, but give me time and I will help you heal. I will do anything you want me to, anything, just....we will figure it out together." Zhan Xixi, his beloved friend was valiantly trying to hold back his tears and his voice was horse with the effort.

"Xixi..... I don't know what to say to my mom, what am I going to say to her?" Jian Yi was sobbing now. "She will know, the police..... they will have informed her!"

"Your mom may not always be there for you, but she loves you as much as I do and regardless of you being gay or whatever happened to you today........ She's never going to stop loving you because she's a mom. That's what moms should do, they should love their children always." Zhan Xi was helpless against the tears running down his temple.

"Jian Yi those boys from Mo's classroom.......they did this to you?" Zhan's heart was literally aching for his boyfriend.

Jian Yi merely nodded in response.

"Yi did they, umm.....are you torn because they.....". Zhan Xi was choking around the words, struggling to get them out.

"He didn't rape me with his dick, he was going to before He Tian stopped him, but he was 'preparing' me I suppose, he was rough with me he put three big fingers in dry. The pain....." Jian Yi voice was thin and quiet.

Zhan Xi want to shout and scream for joy that Jian Yi wasn't raped, but as he was catching on quickly you didn't need to be penetrated by a dick to be raped. Shit his mind was blank he didn't know what to say, he was suddenly so awash with anger he couldn't say a word for a short while. He stroked Jian Yi's hair with a hand that shook with rage.

"The police...?"

"They're going to be charged with assault and attempted rape." Jian Yi squeezed his hand, almost as if he wanted to calm him.

They lay there a while and Zhan Zheng Xi nearly fucking leapt out of the hospital bed, an explanation on the tip of his tongue, when he spotted Jian Yi's mom she was standing at the entrance to the cubicle. There were tears streaming down her cheeks and when he went to get up she held up her hand to halt him and put her finger up to her lips and whispered.

"He's fallen asleep, the Doctors told me they'd given him strong pain killers that might make him drowsy. Zhan Xi just stay where you are. Know I will do everything in my family's power to make sure they won't wiggle out of those charges, regardless of who they know or how rich their parents are." Jian Yi's mom reached out and took Zhan Xi's hand, with her other hand she stroked Jian Yi's hair putting her palm on his forehead.

"I was here behind the curtain when Yi started to tell you what his injuries were.....". She looked at him straight in the eye in that direct way of hers.

"We never wanted you to find out like this. We had only just...". Xi's voice cracked and Jian Yi's mom squeezed his hand in sympathy. "We started going out on Friday evening, nothing happened prior to that I promise. What I said to him I meant, every word!"

She stood and sat up on the bed next to Jian Yi then she cupped Xi's cheek briefly before going back to checking Yi over, checking each accessible limb, stroking his bruised mouth gently, worry marred her face and then they both just cried for Jian Yi.

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