Chapter Seventeen - Surprise!

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They finished their date at lunchtime and then after some discussion it was agreed that they would go home and complete all of their homework, thus leaving late Saturday evening and Sunday morning free to just hang out. Sunday afternoon to late evening was cram school.

Jian Yi was sitting at his study table on the floor of his bedroom, working hard to complete his English language and Advanced Chemistry homework, Zhan Zheng Xi had texted him repeatedly to make sure that they were on track for finishing. Jian Yi had to admit he was very distracted, all he could think about was he had gone on a date!! A date! With Xixi! It's was just too much to take in. Also Xixi was 'gay for Jian Yi'. He had actually said that! Xixi had willing said he was gay for him and would never look at another in the same way.

Jian Yi was starting to get paranoid. Somehow he was 100% happy, his current life was going incredibly well. He had a boyfriend now whom he loved so much, he felt like he was more focused with his school work. He was no longer spending hours stressing about the fact that he would die alone a virgin forever, with his useless unrequited crush waltzing off into the distance with a bride and a couple of kids. He never realised just how much of his day was spent dealing with anxiety over the fact that he was gay and he'd never told anyone accept He Tian and Mo Guan Shan. He had spent his life lying to his best friend about how he felt for him, and the release he felt was just so freeing!

Now if felt strange, like it was all going to be taken away from him and if he messed up in any way it was all going to fall in the most enormous pile of shit. Jian Yi made a pact with himself right then and there to always look after Zhan Xixi and their relationship, to do his best to be a good boyfriend!

Suddenly his phone chimed:

HE TIAN: Hey blondie and Zhan do you want to go out drinking tonight, I know a bar where they don't look too closely at IDs *Evil smile emoji*

JIAN YI: I'm in If Xixi is!

Mo Guan: You're such a fucking criminal He Tian, count me in too. I suppose it beats sitting at home with my mom, but you're paying for drinks.

HE TIAN: Hey you love your mother, I love your mother, she loves me too. We are a happy family!

Mo Guan: You're such a freak.

HE TIAN: Well Zhan Xi?

Zhan Xixi: Yeah.

JIAN YI: Urgh so articulate Xixi.

HE TIAN: I will send you all the location now, shall we meet at 9.30pm? I'm already finished all my homework, so think I'll just spend the rest of the afternoon gaming.

Mo Guan: Asshole, who in fucking birds balls needs to know that?!! We already know you're Mr Perfect Scores.

HE TIAN: So how much homework do you have left?

Mo Guan: ......... I'm nearly finished, give me 2-3 hours I will see you there!

JIAN YI: I've just finished off as we have been typing.

Zhan Xixi: I'll be another 40 mins and I'm done.

HE TIAN: Excellent........ see you all later cock suckers.

JIAN YI: That was harsh.

Zhan Xixi: But factual.


Jian Yi dressed in what he thought Zhan Xixi would like, so he had black skinny jeans on and a black shirt buttoned to the top, it was tight and hugged his slim frame and a pair of black boots. Straightening his hair he toyed with the idea of tying it back, it would be cooler if they were going to be in a hot sweaty bar. Decision made he slicked it back in an elastic band, grabbed his phone, money and key, then he left for the venue.

The place He Tian had chosen wasn't far from his house, he had never actually walked in that part of town before, he was thankful he had his phone so he could use the maps app to find the place. He was so nervous and anxious that even with the map and leaving plenty time he was still 5 minutes late.

He walked up to the building eying it up, it looked a bit sleazy, but under age teenagers couldn't be picky. It was called Inferno. Jian Yi hear his name being called and when he looked up he saw He Tian, Mo Guan and there at the back looking like sex on a stick was Zhan Xixi. He had made an effort to dress up(a change from his usual causal clothes) he had black jeans on also a shirt, but his was deep maroon. Jian Yi's heart went baddump at the sight of his boyfriend.

Jogging up he grinned at everyone, sidling up to Zhan Zheng Xixi he refrained from doing his usual flying leap attack (seeing as they were both looking fine) and settled for an exuberant hug. He waited for Xixi's usual violent hug back in the form of a head butt or an elbow, or a knee to the stomach, but instead Zhan Xi put an arm around him his waist and gave him a squeeze back.

Jian Yi was shocked, he thought in the history of his attempts at any sort of affectionate physical contact, Xixi had maybe returned them 20% of them, the rest always ended in blood of some sort. Before he had more time to contemplate this new behaviour, He Tian motioned for them to go over to the line to get inside. He got the attention of some door lackey and they were whisked straight in. Jian Yi didn't know what type of contacts He Tian had, but he seemed like he could get anything he wanted with the resources at his finger tips.

When they got past the main door (no need to pay an entry fee of course thanks to He Tian), they entered a loud club it was packed with people, the heat was intense, the name Inferno was very apt.

There was a DJ at the back and a modest sized dance floor in front of it, which was packed with writhing bodies, moving to the music. As they skirted around the edges, Jian Yi spotted a bar and they all piled over and ordered their drinks. Jack Daniels and coke for He Tian and three bottles of beer for the rest of them. Clinking their drinks together, the talk swung immediately to the fact that they were so swamped with homework, hence He Tian had invited them out to 'unwind'. While Zhan and He Tian chatted about the people in their class, Jian Yi let his eyes wander around the people dancing and the crowd around the edges where people stood or sat on plush couches or high stools.

When a song came on that he enjoyed he began bobbing his head to the beat and started watching the people on the dance floor. When he spotted two girls openly kissing on the dance floor, their hands all over each other, Jian Yi raised an eyebrow. Wow those girls must be drunk, they would probably regret it in the morning. Once his eyes got used to the darkness he noticed belatedly on the couch next to where they were standing was a man in his late twenties. Sitting on his lap being kissed very deeply was a younger man maybe just old enough to go to university. The younger man held the older ones face and Jian Yi could see their tongues curling against each other, the younger one was straddling the older guy and he could tell from the movements that he was grinding their crotches together.

Jian Yi tried to wipe the shocked look off his face and turned back to see the three other boys were hiding grins behind their hands.

"Yes Jian Yi this is THAT type of club, anything goes as long as it's not full on penetrative sex, the clothes stay mostly on, mostly and you're not out and out flaunting the fact that you're sucking a cock they turn a blind eye." He Tian was smiling that smug mother fucking smirk of his and Jian Yi looked at Zhan Xixi who was trying to look innocent.

"I thought maybe this would be right up your alley Jian Yi, especially if I am here to reign you in." Zhan shrugged and raised his bottle to Jian Yi with a wink.

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