Chapter Thirty - Sex Education

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Jian Yi woke up conscious that he was being watched.... Was Zhan Zheng Xi still watching over him like a grumpy sentry? He'd woken once during the night suddenly and Xixi had been there stroking his hair and wiping sweat away from his brow, 'It's just a nightmare, go back to sleep.' He murmured sweet words and Jian Yi drifted back to sleep in his boyfriend's arms.

When he opened his eyes he realised that he was lying with his head on Zhan Xi's shoulder, his palm was resting on his chest, Xixi's arm was around him holding him close to his side. Jian Yi's thigh was thrown over Zhan's thighs. They'd obviously tossed the covers off during the night, they were sandwiched so close together.

How many years had he been waiting for this moment when they could wake up in each other's embrace. Jian Yi kissed Zhan Xi's shoulder.

"Ahem." Jian Yi looked up and saw his mother, she was standing behind Mrs Zhan and when both mothers saw the way they were entangled on the bed, there was a reaction which made Jian Yi hide his face.

"Here $10, you won." Mrs Xi gave his mother the money and and she looked at Jian Yi and whispered.

"Morning Jian Yi I hope you're feeling better, I want to talk with Xi on his own okay? You go and get breakfast with your mom, we will be out soon." Jian Yi gently pulled away from a still snoozing Xi and got up and walked out with his mom, he looked back in trepidation.


Zhan Xi opened his eyes when his mom shook his shoulder, she was sitting on his bed and she began to cry.

"Xi I thought you trusted me, I know we have had our disagreements recently but haven't we mainly had a good mother and son relationship?" She sniffed and wiped her eyes on his apron.

"Mom I don't know....?" Zhan Xi sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me about you and Jian Yi? Did you think I was backward thinking like Uncle Xhan? Or grandpa? I am not so old that I think like them! I feel hurt you thought you couldn't talk to me." She looked mad now.

"Mom, mom I didn't know what to do, I was so confused for a long time. I only confessed to Jian Yi on Friday! It's mainly been feelings which I've hid for a while now, but I never acted on them, it took me a long time to finally figure out that I love Jian Yi. I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry." Zhan Xi was overwhelmed. He never wanted to disappoint his mom, never. He was not ready to talk to his family about his relationship with Jian. A tear ran down his cheek.

"Silly boy!" She yanked him into her arms and held him close. Normally Xi would have groaned and put up with the hug for a while, but he would normally push her away embarrassed. He put his head on her shoulder and just let her comfort him.

"Mom I'm sorry I lied to you." She stroked his head, and a sigh left her.

"I want you to be honest with me from this point forwards okay? Mrs Jian and Me, we always suspected you two were in a relationship. I just never expected you to be so slow!" Zhan Xi pulled back and blushed furiously.


"I mean Jian Yi has always been out there and open about his love for you. It's very glaringly obvious idiot son." Zhan Xi groaned "Also he's so attractive I'm surprised he wasn't snatched up sooner by a girl or boy. You're lucky you didn't lose him Xi." Zhan Xi covered his face with his hands.

"Another thing, we need to talk about your relationship. I mean you obviously love each other, that's evident, but I want to say that if you're going to have sex you promise me you're going to be careful!" Even his mom looked embarrassed.

"It's not like I can get him pregnant mom." As soon as the words were out of his mouth he regretted it. His mom smacked him up the side of his head twice, hard.

"That's enough from you. Listen I meant there are diseases, you have to be careful with!" She glared at him.

"Jian Yi is a virgin mom." Zhan Xi was now so red he resembled a tomato.

"Okay, then what about you?"

"Umm I was always careful, hm I always used protection...". His mom held up a finger like she didn't want to hear anymore about her baby boy having sex. Zhan Xi wanted to die, just kill him right there.

"I'm just going say it once, always protect Jian Yi and yourself Xi." She patted his red cheek.

"Yes mom." Zhan Xi knew his mom was just trying to do her best for him and expected him to do the same. "I love Jian Yi."

"I know, no sex in my house when your family are here. If you do have sex elsewhere you clean up after yourselves! Respect any rules Mrs Jian sets" She got up and walked out leaving Zhan Xi in a blushing puddle on his bed. He didn't think it got more embarrassing than that!

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