Chapter Four - Trepidation

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Jian Yi rested his forehead briefly on the door while he composed himself, when the doorbell sounded again, more incessantly this time, he plastered on his usual fake smile and opened the door to let Zhan Zheng Xi in. He had brushed off every other encounter they had had, why should this be any different?

"Xixi!" He pounced on his friend with his normal exuberance.

As usual he was soon elbowed in the face for his attempts at a bear hug. Pulling away Zhan Zheng Xi pushed past Jian Yi and strolled towards his bedroom boycotting the living room his hands in the pockets of his sweat pants. Jian Yi now had full colour HD images in his brain of Zhan Xi, now he knew exactly what was under those clothes, he knew exactly what he looked like when he orgasmed. He now knew things about his friend that would make him incredibly uncomfortable. It still didn't stop his brain pulling images from earlier, and shoving them right under his nose!

Zhan Zheng Xi's orgasm face
Zhan Zheng Xi's orgasm face
Zhan Zheng Xi's orgasm face
Zhan Zheng Xi's orgasm face
Zhan Zheng Xi's orgasm face

Oh shit he was getting hard would this day never end?!

"Umm I think you spilled something on your trousers dude, you didn't come home from school like that did you?". Xixi's face was red, he turned his head away and he was waving his finger at Jian Yi's crotch. Confused he looked down and was instantly mortified because he'd forgotten about the fact that he had orgasmed in his boxers and they had subsequently leaked through to his trousers. Great there was now a suspicious white stain, laughing he shrugged it off.

"I had a quick bathroom break after 5th period" he grinned at Zhan Zheng Xi, who grimaced at him. When did he get so good at lying when it came to him.?

"Erm what are you doing here? I'm stuck on my history homework will you help me? I have snacks." Turning his back Jian Yi quickly shucked his stained clothes and pulled on clean boxers, sweat pants and he swapped his sweaty school shirt for a soft white T-shirt. He'd have a bath later, there was plenty fapping fodder for him to have a long pleasurable soak.

Zhan Zheng Xi nodded striding over to his bed and flopped down on it, he bent down to pick up a magazine that was face down on the floor. He flipped through it for a moment before placing it neatly back on the pile on Jian Yi's desk.

"Jian Yi...."

Jian Yi just about jumped through the ceiling when Xixi murmured his name. Nervously he turned around, this was it he was going to pull him up for his voyeuristic behaviour. Jian died a little inside at the thought of never being Zhan Zheng Xi's friend, their friendship meant the world to him.

"Jian Yi you have to stop". Xixi look embarrassed which for him meant he looked insanely adorable.

"Listen Xixi I am sorry it won't happen again, it was an accident, I just couldn't stop!" Jian Yi looked down he couldn't look Zhan in eye. When things went quiet he peeked through the curtain of his blond hair.

Zhan Zheng Xi now looked confused which meant he had that little crease between his eyebrows, fuck be still my heart and my cock, no really cock be still!!

"I just meant can you stop just whipping off your clothes in front of me, I don't want to see your bony ass or your hairy balls. Go to the bathroom in future okay?"

"Err okay...?" okay yes! Somebody up there loved him. Xixi hadn't noticed him standing there peeking at him during that most private and precious moment. Jian Yi suddenly felt privileged that he got to see Zhan Zheng Xi like that. Now it was his turn to be embarrassed.

His cheeks suddenly flooded with colour and he was so flustered that he couldn't think straight. Tucking his hair behind his ear, he went for the table he used for studying and picked it up. Walking towards the bed, he tried to remember where he had put his stash of crispy seaweed strips, and he was sure there was some in the drawer of his desk.

"Jian Yi!"

The warning came too late he tripped over his school bag strap, launching himself and the table in two different directions.

"Aaaah!" Jian Yi groaned as he smacked into something hard then he fell forward landing with an oof, a large crash sounded off to the right. Wincing he lay still while he got his bearings.

"Fuck! Why in birds balls do you always do this you asshole! Oi!"

When he finally opened his eyes he was in the most extraordinary position. He blinked down at Zhan Zheng Xi, their faces were so close he could see the tips of his eyelashes and their lips were so close that if either of them spoke there would be some major lip brushing going on. Jian Yi had to physically restrain himself not to sing the National anthem.

He was splayed on top of Xixi, their groins were mashed together because by happy coincidence Jian Yi's thighs were split over Zhan's lap and his elbows were pressed into the bed by Xixi's head. Any movement of any kind would cause some erotic friction.

Jian Yi pulled back a little so he could looked down into Zhan Zheng Xi's perpetually pissed off face and it was like the dam he had erected around his feelings for his best friend had finally filled to the brim and it was bursting free. His fingers moved of their own accord and he lightly traced his fingertips over Xixi's cheek bone, letting his gaze show all of the love and passion he felt until they blazed bright. In his head he said over and over and over again "I love you, Zhan Zheng Xi". Tracing his thumb back and forth over Xixi's bottom lip, he opened his mouth as if to finally say what he wanted to say to his beloved friend for many years now.

Jian Yi cried out when Zhan Zheng Xi grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled his head down until their noses practically touched.

"You brought this on yourself you gay bastard". Jian Yi's breath caught in his throat.

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