Chapter Fifty Five - Panic Stations

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Zhan Zheng Xi was in a panic, what the hell was he thinking of! Why had he just nodded?! He had just nodded when Jian Yi asked him if he wanted to have his ass played with some more? He must be fucking crazy. Xi couldn't get away from the fact that he HAD just come hard whilst Yi worked his cock and lick his ass, there was no denying it, but every time he nodded his head, he felt like he was taking a step towards something he wasn't yet ready for.

Zhan Xi looked down Yi's come covered bedroom door, taking in the fact that he was naked, his ass was bare to his best friend and before he knew what he was doing words burst out of his mouth.

"Wait! Stop, stop Yi stop!" Xi waited for his best friend and lover to speak.

"What's wrong Xixi? Hmm that was so fucking hot my new favourite thing is to feel you clenching against my tongue" Jian Yi's voice was muffled between his ass cheeks.

"Can I talk to you?" Zhan Xi abruptly turned around and sat crossed legged on the floor in front of a kneeling Yi.

"Umm okay, what's wrong Xixi? Wasn't I doing it properly? I mean you would know you're so good at it now." Jian Yi jabbered on like Zhan Xi wasn't having an existential crisis right in front of him.

"No, it was......I'm just freaking out." Zhan Xi sighed and looked down at his clenched hands, which were in his naked lap. Was he really going to have a quite serious discussion with his boyfriend completely naked? Xi shrugged internally, they would never do things by halves.

"About what........?" Jian Yi grew focused, he stopped thinking about Xixi's O face and sat until he was also cross legged so he could concentrate on his boyfriend's Oh No face.

"I don't know sometimes I get swept up in the heat of the moment, but when things start to get hot and heavy, I think logically about the fact that you have got your tongue on my ass and it freaks me out." Zhan Xi looked up to test the waters........Jian Yi's face looked a bit freaked out himself.

"Right." Yi was trying to compute the fact that his boyfriend had merely been swept up in the moment and not really wanting Yi to touched him like he had longed to.

"I don't think my head is in the right place yet.....". Zhan Xi reached out a hand and cursed when Yi didn't take it.

"What so you don't want to be my boyfriend any more?" Jian Yi knew it, he knew Zhan Xixi would eventually realise that gay sex was too weird for him!

"No! It's not that!" Zhan Xi put his hands on Yi's shoulders and shook him. "It's just I feel like you're going to ask for.....more."

"I was going to ask for more, isn't that what you do in a relationship Zhan Zheng Xi?" Jian Yi couldn't believe he'd fucked up so bad that Xixi didn't want Yi touching him anymore. He thought they were slowly moving towards being able to explore each other's bodies fully, shit what had gone wrong?

"Realistically Yi what do you want to do to me?" Xi was certain he knew the answer but asked anyway.

"I'm am still technically a virgin Xixi, of course I'm going to want to lose my virginity with the person I love beyond measure." Jian Yi blushed when he said it finally out in the open.

Zhan Xi sat for a minute and he was dumbstruck.

"Xi I've waited all these years for you, I would never want to put myself inside anybody else but you." When Jian Yi finished speaking he realised that he was close to tears.

"Shit Yi, I'm.......". Zhan Xi was speechless, he had been sitting here worrying about the fact that his boyfriend was trying to move things along too quickly and he now knew why Jian Yi was desperate to be as close to him as he possibly could.

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