Chapter Forty Three - When the Cat is Away the Mice will Play

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Jian Yi was still battling with a grin when he belatedly realised he was still naked and Zhan Zheng Xi was still very naked, although he had just brought his boyfriend to a very satisfying climax, Xi's mutant "bounce back in 10seconds" cock began twitching again.

"Umm I thought that you would be satisfied......?" Jian Yi looked on disbelievingly as Xi thicken further.

"Don't look at it idiot, if you can't take me getting hard every time I want you you're going to spend the next 70 years like a beetroot!" Zhan Xi rolled his eyes.

"Xixi.........I want to spend the next 70 years with you too!" Fuck that was embarrassing! Jian Yi blushed and grinned and blushed and grinned.

"Come over here Yi." Zhan Xi crooked his finger.

Zhan Xi watched as Jian Yi shyly walked over to stand in front of him, he couldn't meet Xi's eyes at all, he was such a wonderful contradiction. One minute he had his tongue between Xi's ass cheeks pleasuring him, confident and brave, then being an idiot when confronted with the evidence of Zhan Zheng Xi's 'continued affection' Yi flushed like a virgin (which was stupid seeing as they had remedied that situation recently). Taking Jian Yi's hips in his hands Xi pulled him close until their hot flesh touched from chest to knees, Zhan Xi leaned in to kiss Yi and he ended up kissing a palm.

"Umm one minute." Jian Yi has held up a halting hand then bafflingly moved away from Xi and walked to the sink, keeping his face averted as he washed his hands, scrubbed his face and then reached under the sink for a spare toothbrush he kept here for emergencies. Zhan Xi watched as Yi brushed his teeth thoroughly. Xi rolled his eyes and snorted behind his hand but kept the sound quiet. He didn't have the heart to tell Jian Yi that he was only going to get all messed up again, but he appreciated the thought.

Jian Yi spun around their eyes met, he could see wicked things in Xixi's horny gaze.......perhaps he shouldn't have teased him after all.

Then they rushed to close the distance, arms clenched tightly around each other, Xi thrust his fingers into Yi's satin wet locks and hauled him in for a wet, open mouthed kiss, his tongue slid along Yi's in an erotic caress. Yi gripped Xi's muscled shoulders, his fingers digging into the flesh and he moaned when Xixi's teeth nipped his bottom lip firmly until it stung.

Zhan Xi reached behind Yi, fumbled with the lock for what felt like hours, before he got the bathroom door open and they burst out into the hall. Zhan Xi pressed Jian Yi up against the wall their lips still sealed, his hands were drawn to Yi's chest he squeezed the firm flesh of his pectoral muscles and then he plucked at the small brown nipples twisting them until they grew hard. Yi squirmed in his arms and finally gasped in a breath when Xi moved to kiss his ear.

"Aah Xi not too hard, mmm don't stop!" Jian Yi groaned at the double onslaught of a warm tongue swirling around the shell of his ear and persistent fingers flicking his hard nipples.

"Are you feeling it down there?" Zhan Xi grinned against Yi's ear and pressed their hips together harder. Jian Yi in the throes of passion was a thing to behold, his lips were wet from kisses and his long eyelashes fluttered on his pink cheeks. For once that mouth was silenced and he was panting in the most alluring way, like he was being deliciously tortured instead of making out with his best friend of many years. Xi always thought Jian Yi looked beautiful, every day he was amazed at how gorgeous he was, but now he was seeing him in a whole new light and he was fucking loving it.

"Uh mmm." Jian Yi was incoherent.

Zhan Xi took that moment to lean in and kiss Yi again, his hands bracketed Yi's head, holding it still so his lips could press and his tongue could plunder. He began walking backwards, pulling at his lover, manoeuvring him further down the corridor until he had Jian Yi's back pressed against his own bedroom door. Unable to hold on much longer
he dropped to his knees and grabbed his lover's cock and swallowing it whole down his throat.

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