Chapter Fifty Four - We are moving Towards a Switch

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After their discussions about have a cooling down period or a cooling ass period as Jian Yi liked to call it, Yi and Xi continued as normal, they glowed with so much love it was hard to keep it in at school. When they walked together they stood shoulder to shoulder and Zhan Xixi's normally dour face was now calm and smiling. The girls in their year had even commented on how handsome he looked when he smiled, and it made Jian Yi so jealous he wanted to drag Zhan Xi away and say 'this is mine!'.

Their happiness was shrouded with a pinch of worry, He Tian and Mo Guan Shan appeared to be going through a rocky patch. Mo didn't know what was going on and Tian was being close mouthed. Jian Yi was worried for them, they were his friends and the thought of them breaking up made him anxious. They had been together for three whole years, Jian Yi would never tell them, but secretly he admired them and looked up to them for having such a strong and solid relationship.

That afternoon they were walking towards their sports lesson when two girls walked by chatting, Jian Yi caught what they saying and it shocked him.

"He Tian was in an accident! My sister works as a nurse at the emergency desk, I was visiting her and I saw He Tian come in with a man and he looked awful, he got rushed off into the hospital for treatment. His face was covered in blood."

"No way! Is his face okay? Poor He Tian, I hope his face and body are unmarked!"

Jian Yi turned to Zhan Xi and they both looked at each other

Upon hearing that He Tian had been injured in an accident, Jian Yi and Zhan Xi had gone straight away to visit He Tian's apartment, beers and meat dumplings in hand. When they arrived Mo was alone and they could tell from his behaviour that he was very pissed off with He Tian. Jian Yi felt like shit, he tried to help by thinking of reasons why He Tian wouldn't or couldn't talk to Mo, but they were interrupted when a very drunk He Tian staggered in.

Jian Yi took one look at Mo's face, dragged Xixi to his feet and got out of there as quickly as possible. Yi didn't think Guan Shan would appreciate them being present whilst he tore Tian a new one.

As they walked home Jian Yi stressed.

"But what happens if they break up?" Yi frowned as they walk towards Jian Yi's house.

"They won't break up." Zhan Xixi sounded calm and unconcerned.

"But what if they do?" Jian Yi pulled Xi to a stop and kept his hands on Xi's forearms.

"It will all work out in the end, don't stress about things which you can't change." Zhan Xi lifted his hand and cupped Yi's cheek, holding it in his warm palm, he looked straight at Jian Yi and Yi could feel his conviction.

"Xixi......". Jian Yi leaned his cheek into that caress and it made it all okay for a while.

"He Tian has just got a lot to think about, all we can do is help them when they need us." Zhan Xi stroked Jian Yi's cheek for a few seconds and then he pulled his hand away, remembering belatedly that they were still standing on a public street.

"I want us to be.....forever." Jian Yi blurted out this sentence and it made him so red he thought his face would be visible from space.

"I want us to grow old together." Zhan Xi smiled and pulled him along again, the nights were growing colder and they only had light autumn coats on, it would be nice to get warm.

They walked briskly towards Yi's house, when they got to the door, Jian Yi unlocked it and they went inside, taking their shoes off at the entrance.

"Want some tea?" Jian Yi wanders off towards the kitchen.

"Yes, can we drink it in the bedroom?" Zhan Xixi made sure that the question was loaded with enticement.

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