Chapter Five - Disbelief Works Both Ways

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Upon hearing those words Jian Yi's heart wrenched and broke into a thousand pieces, his eyes teared instantaneously and he tried (unsuccessfully due to Xixi's tight grip in his hair at the back of his nape) to shake his head in denial. His friend was not an asshole, homophobia was not a word in his vocabulary. In fact when He Tian and Mo Guan Shan came out to their small social circle, namely to Zhan Zheng Xi and Jian Yi, Xixi had wished them well and made promises to ensure their relationship would be kept a secret.

Why was Jian Yi different? Why was Zhan Zheng Xi being like this? An angry tear spilled down his cheek and plopped onto Xixi's forehead. He flinched when he saw Xixi's other hand reaching up, was he going to punch him now?

"Jian Yi!" He jumped when Zhan shouted his name loudly "Hey I think you've got this all wrong, those words were not meant for you, I was saying it with regard to myself. Those words, I was calling myself a gay bastard, I have been saying them in my head for ages now. I spoke them out loud? Fuck, perhaps it's time they escaped." Xixi reached up with his free hand and wiped at Jian Yi's tears with his thumb and the hand fisted in his hair pulled until their lips were back hovering mere millimetres apart.

Jian Yi's shattered heart rewound, reformed and started beating faster than it ever had, it was racing because against his ass he could feel how hard Zhan Zheng Xi was. He didn't know exactly where this was going to go or if Xixi would even follow through, but he was a very willing participant. Their kiss when it began was a soft virginal press of lips, their eyes were open and they never stopped looking at each other. Jian Yi imagined his eye's were wide with shock and Zhan Zheng Xi's eyes he could see that he was......scared?

Xixi took matters into his own hands, rolling Jian Yi beneath him it felt amazing having Xixi's body between his thighs, he was in uncharted territory seeing as he was a virgin, but who was to blame for that? Zhan Zheng Xi took that moment to fist his other hand gently in his long hair tilting his head he pressed his parted lips against Jian Yi's and slid his tongue over the bottom lip, before biting it firmly drawing a gasp from him.

He felt like Zhan Xi was directing their kiss entirely and it infuriated him that Xi knew so much about kissing, he was aware Xixi was no virgin. He had been with girls from their middle/high schools as well as some mystery older woman, whom he had never asked about. The less he knew the better. It didn't matter.

"Are you okay?" Xixi said in between kissing his way to Jian Yi's earlobe so he could lick and suck on it before kissing his way back to his mouth. He guided kiss after kiss, showing him how to do his own explorations until he was definitely getting the hang of it. The sooner the better, then he would be able to drive Zhan Zheng Xi crazy too.

"Hmmmm, aah is there supposed to be no air, its so hard to breath". Jian Yi was panting, Zhan Zheng Xi was kissing him on his bed and he was panting! So how to upgrade this kiss to "panting mess" then? That was one thing he knew a thing or two about.

"Xixi please" he boldly pressed his cock against his friend "I feel like I'm going to burst"

He didn't know what to think when Xixi laughed in a menacing way

"Oh Jian Yi you have so much you must pay for, so much which requires punishment, I don't even know where to start." when Xi sat up and began stripping Jian Yi of his sweats, tshirt and boxers, leaving him bare before tugging his own clothes completely off, he admitted to being slightly panicked before he remembered this was Zhan Zheng Xi. No hang on, this was Zhan Zheng Xi!! This was the guy who had taken great pains during their life to beat the shit out of him whenever the opportunity arose (mainly instigated by Jian Yi) which was often.

Jian Yi didn't know whether to the be terrified or titivated when Xixi flipped him over and dragged his ass into the air kneeing his thighs apart with his own.

"Umm Xixi" Jian Yi looked over his shoulder and had to marvel at the naked sight behind him. "You're so beautiful you take my breath away." Zhan looked like those words had shook him to his core.

Leaning forward he captured Jian Yi's chin and pulled their lips together in a surprisingly sweet kiss considering the position they were currently in.

"Back at you, you've alway taken my breath away too". They both blushed seven kinds of red and it was worth it. It wasn't a declaration of love, it wasn't a confession but it felt like they were saying it in their own way. It was good enough for Jian Yi for the moment, it satisfied enough of his relationship goals boxes.

"Shit, I don't have any condoms or lube." Jian Yi nearly orgasmed just hearing those words from Xixi's lips, it was so fucking hot.
"My school bag, the main pocket, white pharmacy bag." Zhan got up went to his bag. He started rummaged around until he found the bag, he looked inside briefly then got back on the bed.

"So do I have to ask about why you have a mountain of lube and condoms easily accessible in your bag? I haven't mentioned this before but I get jealous easily, so if you're with someone at the moment I want you to stop seeing them. You belong to me and only me now." Xixi smacked his ass in warning. Jian Yi jumped, he couldn't believe he was going to have to tell Xixi he was a virgin, great.

"No, no you've misinterpreted everything. I just bought those today with thoughts of seducing you into fucking me, I am actually a virgin." Jian Yi looked embarrassed. "Anyway I had this plan and well it kind of didn't pan out." He really wasn't ready to tell Xixi he watched him masturbate earlier this afternoon. There was a time and a place for these things and this wasn't it.

Zhan Zheng Xi rubbed a hand over the back of his head, he looked like all his christmases had come at once, like a weight was lifted from his shoulders.
"Is that so?" He rubbed his hands together and Jian Yi got the impression that he was fucked both figuratively and soon to be literally.

"That's perfect, I hoped I would be your first I dreamed that no one else knew what it was like to fuck you but me. Now I know I'm going to be the only one, it's making me crazy. I feel so horny I can't function. Now we've got that shit out of the way, your ass is mine!"

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