Chapter Thirteen - School Rules

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In the morning Jian Yi's mother woke them up, said "Time for school, get up you'll be late.", she left them with some money to buy breakfast on the way to school, and then immediately after that she was gone. Zhan Zheng Xi had always felt sorry for Jian Yi when it came to not having a stable family life, his father wasn't there and his mother was always out dealing with whatever business it was she was in. Zhan had never looked to closely at it, nor had he questioned his friend about what Jian family was involved with.

Previously there had been a few weird situations, like Jian Yi disappearing and getting kidnapped, but things seemed to have quietened down now they were in high school.

Jian Yi gathered his things, they agreed to meet at school seeing as Zhan Zheng Xi didn't have his uniform or school bag with him, he would be leaving first. As they reached the front door Zhan Zheng Xi bent to put his shoes on and then leaned in and gave him a chaste kiss.

"I'm off now." He waved as he went through the door.

"Have a nice day! Er I mean see you at school idiot." Jian Yi blushed, did that mean they were kind of engaged by the consummation of their bodies?! He gulped, so to get married in the flesh they had to....... His was shaking a bit apprehensive.

"Better not be late, loser." Zhan stuck a middle finger up as he walked away down the corridor.

Jian Yi was relieved that things weren't strained, he wasn't sure what to expect after an evening full of sex and confessions, but thankfully it felt normal, more intimate, but normal. He honestly couldn't believe how yesterday had turned out: abject misery, horny disbelief, abject misery, mind numbing screaming toe curling ecstasy, moderate annoyance, euphoria, weary horniness. To say it had been an emotional roller coaster would be an understatement and once they had fallen asleep, they slept until his mother woke them for school. He thought that maybe they could sneak some kissing in, he still needed so much practice.

From now on his days were going to be so different, he could barely fucking wait for what they may bring.


When Zhan Zheng Xi finally got to school he barely made it in time for reading at 7.30, thankfully he wasn't on rota to clean this week so he had an extra half an hour to get his shit together then run to school. When he reached the class everyone was already there. Urgh lessons were so gruelling you could see each desk had an enormous pile of text books and homework booklets on them. Poorly performing students would have to do extra, the pressure to deliver good scores was huge.

Although Jian Yi was just one class below him, he was equally as intelligent as Zhan Zheng Xi (although hugely lacking in common sense) in fact they both studied together often and copied from each other, but that was only if they had slept in or fallen asleep too early at night to get all their required homework done.

Zhan went through his morning lessons in a daze, then the entire school took part in daily exercise and dance at the stadium next to campus before it was back to class for more lessons until lunch at 12.10. Seeing as it was Friday all the students were lagging by this point.

As soon as the lunch bell went he got up and walked wearily to meet with Jian Yi, he had his lunch which his mother made for him, but he knew Yi would run to buy his lunch from the cafeteria, then he would usually hot foot it to get to Zhan Zheng Xi as quickly as humanly possible.

As it was a dry and sunny day he went outside and made his way to the benches that they normally met at. He immediately spotted Juan Yi, that build and hair were unmistakable, he was with He Tian and Mo Guan Shan. Although they were not the best of friends, Jian Yi often spoke with or was goaded into talking with He Tian. This normally ended up in bickering, with Mo Guan and Zhan Xi bystanders. When their conversations invariably ended up with He Tian trying to murder or humiliate Jian Yi because he had done something to rile He Tian up. Zhan Xi was always dragged into Jian Yi's escapades, much to his dismay. Mo Guan Shan was the same, he was similarly drawn into whatever He Tian was doing.

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